TM 55-1520-240-T11-2.2 ARTIFICIAL FEEL - MAGNETIC BRAKES VISUAL CHECK (Continued)11-2.2TASKRESULTTASKRESULT1. Check THRUST CONT BRAKE TRIGGERswitch (1) on pilot’s and copilot’s thrust grips(2 and 3).2. Check CENTERING DEVICE RELEASEswitch (4) on pilot’s and copilot’s pitch androll control grips (5 and 6).3. Chock longitudinal centering spring (7).4. Check longitudinal cockpit control driveractuator (ccda) (8).If either switch (1) is damaged, replace it.7. Check yaw centering spring (11).If centering spring (11) is bent or has damagedparts, replace it.8. Check yaw magnetic brake (12).If brake (12) is loose or damaged, tighten or replaceIf either switch (4) is damaged, replace as required. If wiring to brake is damaged, repairor replace it as required.9. Check collective ccda (13).If ccda (13) is loose or damaged, tighten or replaceIf centering spring (7) is bent or has damaged pans,it as required. If wiring to ccda is damaged, repair orreplace it.replace it as required.If ccda (8) is loose or damaged, tighten or replace itas required. If wiring to ccda is damaged, repair orFOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:replace it as required.None5. Check roll magnetic brake (9).If brake (9) is loose or damaged, tighten or replace itas required. If wiring to brake is damaged, repair orreplace it as required.6. Check roll centering spring (10).If centering spring (10) is bent or has damagedparts, replace it.END OF TASKChange 611-13
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