TM 1-1520-240-101-1-1CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONSECTION I. INTRODUCTION1-1-1. General.These instructions are for use by the operator. They ap-ply to CH-47D helicopters.1-1-2. WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, AND NOTES DE-FINED.Warnings, cautions, and notes are used to emphasizeimportant and critical instructions and are used for thefollowing conditions.WARNINGAn operating procedure, practice, etc.,which if not correctly followed, could re-sult in personal injury or loss of life.CAUTIONAn operating procedure, practice, etc.,which, if not strictly observed, could re-sult in damage to or destruction of equip-ment.NOTEAn operating procedure, condition, etc.,which it is essential to highlight.1-1-3. Helicopter Description.This manual contains the complete operating instruc-tions and procedures for the CH-47D helicopters. It ispowered by two T55 L-712 or T55-GA-714A engines.The primary mission of the helicopter is troop and cargotransport. The observance of limitations, performance,and weight and balance data provided is mandatory.Your flying experience is recognized, therefore, basicflight principles are not included. It is required that THISMANUAL BE CARRIED IN THE HELICOPTER AT ALLTIMES.1-1-4. Introductory Material.The following paragraphs describe certain sections ofthis manual, referenced forms, manuals, and Army Re-gulations. Also included is the procedure to follow toreport errors or to recommend changes.1-1-5. Appendix A, Reference.Appendix A is a listing of official publications cited withinthe manual applicable to and available to flight crews.1-1-6. Appendix B, Abbreviation.Appendix B is a list of the abbreviations used in thismanual.1-1-7. Appendix C, Conditional Inspections.Appendix C is a listing of conditions which require a DAForm 2408-13-1 entry.1-1-8. Index.The index lists in alphabetical order, every titled para-graph, figure, and table contained in this manual.1-1-9. Army Aviation Safety Program.Reports necessary to comply with the Army AviationSafety program are prescribed in AR 385-40.1-1-10. Destruction of Army Material to Prevent En-emy Use.For information concerning destruction of Army materialto prevent enemy use, refer to TM 750-244-1-5.1-1-11. Forms and Records.Army aviators flight record and aircraft maintenance re-cords which are to be used by crewmembers are pre-scribed in DA PAM 738-751 and TM 55-1500-342-23.1-1-12. Change Symbol Explanation.Changes, except as noted below, to the text and tables,including new material on added pages, are indicated bya vertical line. The vertical line is in the outer margin andextends close to the entire area of the material affectedwith the following exception: pages with emergencymarkings, which consist of black diagonal lines aroundthree edges, may have the vertical line or change symbolplaced along the inner margins. Symbols show currentchanges only. A miniature pointing hand symbol is usedto denote a change to an illustration. However, a verticalline in the outer margin, rather than miniature pointinghands, is used when there have been extensive changesmade to an illustration. Change symbols are not used toindicate changes in the following:a.Introductory material.b.Indexes and tabular data where the change can-not be identified.c.Blank space resulting from the deletion of text, anillustration, or table.d.Correction of minor inaccuracies, such as spell-ing, punctuation, relocation of material, ect., unless suchcorrection changes the meaning of instructive informa-tion and procedures.
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