TM 1-1520-240-105-1-1/(5-1-2 blank)CHAPTER 5OPERATING LIMITS AND RESTRICTIONSSECTION I. GENERAL5-5-1. Purpose.This chapter identifies or refers to all important operatinglimits and restrictions that shall be observed duringground and flight operations.5-5-2. General.The operating limitations set forth in this chapter are thedirect result of design analysis, test, and operating exper-ience. Compliance with these limits will allow the pilot tosafely perform the assigned missions and toderive maximum utility from the aircraft. Limits concern-ing maneuvers, weight, and center of gravity limitationsare also covered in this chapter. If any operating limita-tions are exceeded, an entry will be made on DA Form2408-13-1.5-5-3. Minimum Crew Requirement.The minimum crew required to fly this helicopter is twopilots, and flight engineer. Additional crewmembers, asrequired, will be added at the discretion of the command-er, in accordance with pertinent Department of the Armydirectives.
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