TM 1-1520-240-106-5-1SECTION V. MISSION EQUIPMENT6-5-1. Mission Equipment.CH-47D mission equipment includes the M-24 arma-ment subsystem, the M-41 armament subsystem,eitherthe M-130 flare dispenser system, AN/ALE-47 Counter-Measures Dispenser System (MDS), AN/ALQ-156 mis-sile detector system, the cargo handling systems, thecargo hooks and the static line retriever. The cargo han-dling systems, (except HICHS) the cargo hooks, and thestatic line retriever are included in the basic weight of thehelicopter or are listed on the chart C for the particularhelicopter. Figure 6-5-1 lists the weight and the mo-ment/1,000 for the M-24 armament subsystem, theM-130 flare dispenser systems and the AN/ALE-47CMDS. If spare ammunition containers are carried on aparticular mission, compute the moment/1,000 for eachspare container from the cargo moments chart. Figure6-6-5 provides the weight and moments charts for inter-nal cargo, figure 6-6-6 charts for external cargo. HICHSsystem weight and balance data is provided in table6-5-2.6-5-2. EAPS System Weight and Balance.Table 6-5-1 provides planning data for changes to theweight and balance with EAPS module/intake screenremoval/installation.Table 6-5-1 EAPS Module/Engine Screen Weightand BalanceItemWeightArmMomentEAPS Module266458121,828Fine Mesh EngineScreens10046246,200Standard Mesh En-gine Screens8846240,656Table 6-5-2. Internal Cargo Handling System Weight and BalanceSECTIONWEIGHT (LB)ARMMOM/1000Cabin Section647323208.91Ramp Section14133575.435Ramp Extension5155428.254Ramp Extension Supports(Stowed)2652713.702Ramp Support (Stowed)135507.150System Totals878333.5System Center of Gravity[379.9]Table 6-5-3. Engine Air Particle Separator System Weight and BalanceREMOVEDWEIGHTARMMOM/1000EAPS Filters-266458121.828INSTALLEDWEIGHTARMMOMFine Mesh Screens+10046246,200Standards Screens+10046240,656
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