TM 1-1520-240-107A-8-1SECTION VIII. DRAG7A-8-1. Description.The drag chart (fig. 7A-8-1) shows the torque changerequired for flight due to drag area change as a result ofexternal configuration changes.7A-8-2. Use of Chart.The primary use of the chart is illustrated by the example.To determine the change in torque, it is necessary toknow the drag area change, TAS, PA, and FAT. From thetable below find the drag area change associated withthe configuration, or estimate if necessary. Enter chartat known drag area change, move right to TAS, movedown to PA, move left to FAT, then move down and readchange in engine torque.7A-8-3. Conditions.The drag chart is based on operating at 100% RRPM.Table 7A–8-1. Change in Drag Area of TypicalExternal LoadsLOADDRAG AREACHANGE SQFTCONTAINERS: (1)8 FT x 8FT x 20 FT CONEX150/100(2)ISU-6062ISU-9081(2) ISU-90115(2)(2) 500 GAL FUEL CELLS40(3) 500 GAL FUEL CELLS60(4) 500 GAL FUEL CELLS80TRUCKS: (1)HMMWV (ENCLOSED VE-HICLE)49/28(2)HMMWV (TOW LAUNCHER)54/31(2)M34 1/2 TON DUMP100M35 2 1/2 TON CARGO80HOWITZERS:M2A1-105MM50M102-105MM50M198-105MM149/50(2)HELICOPTERS:OH-58 HELICOPTER93(3)UH-60 HELICOPTER175(3)AH-64 HELICOPTER170(3)CH-47 HELICOPTER230(2)(4)(1)RIGGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FM 10-450(2)WITH DUAL POINT SUSPENSION(3)RIGGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TM-1-1670-260-12&P (UNMARK)(4)RIGGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TM 1-1520-240-BDDATA BASIS:ESTIMATED/FLIGHT TEST
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