TM 1-1520-240-BD2-22. BEAMS.The beams include one beam on thecrown panel and three beams on each side panel. TheCH-47D has 13 beams on the bottom panel. The beamon the crown panel extends from sta 320 to 340 on thecl of the fuselage. The beams on each side panel arethose at wl plus 29.0 and minus 16. Those beams at wlplus 29 extend from sta 160 to 440 and support thetroop seat backrests and litter poles. The beams at wl 0extends the same distance. The beams at wl 16 extendfrom sta 140 to 482 and support the troop seats. Thebeams on the bottom panel are the cargo tiedownadapter beams, forward landing gear support beams,rescue hoist cutout watertight beams, and the partialbeams in the forward part of the cabin fuselage structureassembly. Also the CH-47D has a forward and an aftcargo hook beam. The cargo tiedown adapter beamsare at bl 0, sta 120 to 320 and 320 to 486, bl 20, eachside of the fuselage; and bl 44, each side of thefuselage. The forward landing gear support beams arebetween sta 240 and 260 each side of the fuselage.The rescue hoist cutout watertight beams extend fromsta 300 to 380, each side of the cutout. The partialbeams are between sta 160 and 200, at bl 45.4, eachside of the fuselage. The beams on the bottom panelare sealed for watertightness.a.NegligibleDamage. Damage to fittings islimited to nicks and scratches whose depth, afterburnishing, does not exceed 10 percent of the thicknessof the fitting. Burnished areas must dear radii, holes,and fasteners, a minimum of 3/4 inch. Refer to TM 55-1520-240-23 for wear tolerances on support fitting114S2834 and the cargo hook beam track 114S5063.b.ReparableDamage. Refer to TM 55-1520-240-23.2-23. STIFFENERS. The skin stiffeners are located onthe bottom panel and the bottom side panel. Thetransverse stiffeners on the bottom panel, except thoseencompassing the rescue hatch cutout, extend the fullwidth of the panel (hinge to hinge) and are formed Zee-sections of 7075-T6 dad aluminum alloy. Thelongitudinal and transverse stiffeners on the bottompanel, reinforcing the area of the rescue hatch cutout,are extruded sections of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy. Thelongitudinal stiffeners on the bottom panel are section ofAlcoa 83264 or AND10136-2006. The transversestiffeners are sections of Alcoa 83264 or 55794. Thestiffeners on the bottom side panels are sections ofAND10134-1005, AND10134-1003, Alcoa 67580, or22477.Reparable. Refer to TM 55-1520-240-23.2-24. FLOORING. Refer to TM 55-1520-240-23.2-25. TUNNEL COVER (SANDWICH HONEYCOMBTYPE).Refer to TM 55-1520-240-23.2-26. POD INSTALLATION CABIN FUSELAGESTRUCTUREASSEMBLY. Refer to TM 55-1520-240-23.2-27. BATTERYSHELF. Refer to TM 55-1520-240-23.2-28. DOORSANDACCESSPANELS. Refer to TM55-1520-240-23.2-29. REPAIR OF NOMEX/FIBERGLASS: FUELPODS.a.All core depressions greater than 3 squareinches in surface area and/or deeper than 0.10 inchshall be considered to be a puncture and be repairedaccording to the detailed procedures given in TM 55-1520-240-23.b.Honeycomb repairs; single skin repair, singleskin and core repair, double skin and core repair surlockinsert repair, delamination repair and skin puncturerepairs are detailed (along with list of materials, process,preparation and techniques) for nomex/fiberglass fuelpod repairs in TM 55-1520-240-23.c.Accomplish repairs per TM 55-1520-240-23.d.Inspect repair for voids. None are permitted.e.Prime and repaint pod as necessary.2-30. AFT FUSELAGE STRUCTURE ASSEMBLY.Refer to TM 55-1520-240-23.2-31. SKIN. Refer to TM 55-1520-240-23.2-32. STRINGERS. Refer to TM 55-1520-240-23.2-33. FORMERS. Refer to TM 55-1520-240-23.2-34. FORMER-STATION534. Refer to TM 55-1520-240-23.2-35. TAILCONE AUXILIARY POWER UNITENCLOSURE.Refer to TM 55-1520-240-23.2-77/(2-78 blank)
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