TM 1-1520-240-BD(3)RedHorizontalDash(-).(a)This symbol indicates an inspection,special inspection, component replacement,maintenance operational check or test flight is needed.The symbol is also used to indicate that a normalmodification work order (MWO) is overdue.(b)This symbol also shows that thecondition of the equipment is unknown. A potentiallydangerous condition may exist The condition will becorrected as soon as possible.(4)RedDiagonal(/).This symbol indicates adefect exists that is not serious enough to ground theaircraft.b.MaintenanceofForms. Instructions for themaintenance of forms, records, and reports are listed inDA PAM 738-751 and TB 1-1500-341-01. When battle-damage repair (BDR) becomes necessary, theprocedures in DA PAM 738-751 will apply.(1)In the Fault Information block of the DAForm 2408-13-1 (See Figure 1-2) or 2408-13-3 (SeeFigure 1-4), list the fault.(2)Enter the status symbol in the status blockand complete all required parts of the Fault Informationblock.(3)Update the status in the System Statusblock of DA Form 2408-13 (See Figure 1-1) ifnecessary.(4)The individual completing the repair willcomplete all required parts of the Correcting Informationblock for the fault on the DA Form 2408-13-1 or 2408-13-3.(5)Status symbols will be cleared per DAPAM 738-751.(6)After completion of the repair update thecurrent status in the System Status block of the DAForm 2408-13 if necessary.(7)When DA Form 2408-13-3 is used, thisform will become part of the Flight Pack(8)DA Form 2408-13-2 (See Figure 1-3) willbe used to document related maintenance actionsneeded to repair the fault.c.TemporaryRepair. If the repair is temporary,take the following action:(1)In the Correcting Information block for thefault entered on the DA Form 2408-13-1 or 2408-13-3,enter the corrective action taken and complete allrequired parts of the Correcting Information block(2)In the next open Fault Information blockreenter the fault entry and state that a temporary repairwas made for the fault. If the temporary repair limits thecapability of the aircraft, use a circled red "X" statussymbol. Include the aircraft limitation in the fault entry.(3)If the status of the temporary repair is ared diagonal "/”, the entry may be reentered to the DAForm 2408-14-1 (See Figure 1-6).(4)If the temporary repair requires aninspection at intervals, list the required inspection on DAForm 2408-18 (See Figure 1-5).(a)Enter the item to be inspected inblock 5.(b)List the applicable TM in block 6.(c)State the frequencyof theinspection in block 7.(d)Enter when the next inspection isdue in block 8.1-5.QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITYCONTROL. A trained assessor inspects and assessesbattle damage and battle damage repairs. Evaluation ofdamage and recommendations for repairs are based onthorough knowledge of the aircraft. Technical guidanceto repairers will be provided as necessary. Ideally, theunit aircraft technical inspectors will be used as BDRassessors. However, combat conditions may require theunit aircraft maintenance officer or the maintenancetechnician to assume this role. The pilot in command,with crew chief recommendations, may also be requiredto assess damage in critical situations. Therefore, thesepersonnel must have a thorough knowledge of theaircraft an ACM/BDR.1-6.BDRTOOLSANDMATERIALS. Battle-damagerepair requires simplicity and speed. Authorized toolsand materials shall be used where possible. Withadequate precautions, AVUM or AVIM manufactureditems can be used to expedite repairs. Cosmetic repairof the structure may be accomplished with fieldexpedients such as green tape and nonaircraftmaterials. BDR techniques are limited only by safetyconsiderations and the experience and skill of therepairman.1-2
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