TM 1-1520-240-BDAPPENDIX BSPECIAL OR FABRICATED TOOLSSECTION I. GENERALB-1. SCOPE. This appendix lists special tools and testequipment. Several special tools are contained in theBDAR kits listed on the next page. The kits also containsmall quantities of parts and durable supplies not listedin other appendices. Each kit contains its own inventorylist and tool usage instructions. There are no fabricatedtools associated with this BDAR manual.SECTION II. TOOLSB-2. SPECIAL TOOLS LISTINGSa.The items listed in this appendix will enhancecrew members and mechanics at all levels toaccomplish battlefield damage assessment and repairs.b.Special tools, containers, and test equipmentare listed below. Each tool or piece of test equipmenthas an item number assigned for ease of location andreference. When an item number is unknown, locatespecial tools and test equipment by the alphanumericarrangement within the table. When an item isreferenced in the manual, locate the item by its Tdesignator and item number. T designators are usedonly with special tools and test equipment. The specialtools and test equipment table is found only within thischapter: therefore, the table number is not referencedwithin the text. A complete listing of all special tools,containers, and test equipment authorized for use toperform maintenance on CH-47D helicopter/accessoriesis in the helicopter parts manuals.SPECIAL TOOLS LIST FOR BATTLE-DAMAGE REPAIRSITEM NO.PART NO.NOMENCLATURE1145G003-1Container, Aft Vertical Shaft2145GS279-1Torque Applicator3114E5903-1Sling Assembly, Engine Transmission4114E5128-3Hoisting Unit5145G0035-1Socket, Horizontal Hinge Pin, Locknut (End Cap)6114E5803-1Pusher, Rotor Head7Model 247000OHM Meter, Low Resistance (Biddle)8114E5809-1Puller, Outboard Seal9114E5813-6Puller, Bearing, Rotor Head10114E5814-7Puller, Bearing and Seal, Rotor Hub11234G0096-1Drift, Outboard Seal Installation12114E5824-4Guide Set, Roller Bearing Seals, Rotor Hub13114E5840-1Adapter, Rotor Head Assembly14114E5852-16Sling, Rotor Head Controls15145E5871-1Adapter, Forward Transmission16114E5872-35Adapter, Powerplant17145E5874-1Adapter, Aft Transmission18114E5878-60Adapter, Vertical Shaft AssemblyB-1
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