TM 1-1520-240-MTF2-1SECTION II MAINTENANCE TESTFLIGHT CHECKLISTGeneral.This section contains the maintenance testflight requirements peculiar to Army Model CH-47Daircraft. Conditions requiring accomplishment of testflights shall be in accordance with TM 1-1500-328-23. Therequirements contained herein are established to assurea thorough inspection of the aircraft before flight, duringflight, and upon completion of the maintenance test flight.PRIOR TO MAINTENANCE TEST FLIGHT Before Interior Check 1. Publications — Check DA Forms 2408-12, -13,-14, -18, DD Form 365-4, and DD Form 1896,locally required forms and publications, andavailability of operators manual (-10), andmaintenance test flight manual.2. Ignition lock switch — ON.3. BATT switch — OFF.4. 712 Emergency power panel — Check tripindicators and timers.5. 712 Topping stops — Check stowed (unlessTEAC is to be performed).6. Cockpit area — Check condition of bottom halfinertia reel.a. Pilot and copilot sliding window — Checkcondition open and close maximum of50-lbs force. Slide operation maximum 15lbs, force.b. Jettisonable door release handles andlatches (1) Check the handles are stowed andsafetied as required.
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