TM 55-1520-240-PMPHASE NO. _____Area Name and No.Aircraft Serial No.DateNO. 1 ENGINE AREA #4InspectPhaseNo’sInspection RequirementsStatusFaults and/or RemarksAction TakenInitialALL/C4.3 Remove engine drive shaft andadapters. Clean, inspect, lubricate,and reinstall. All engine drive shaft lugsand adapter lugs, require 4X powermagnifying glass inspection for cracks.If crack is suspected, nondestructiveinspection (NDI) verification is required.Access 41, 59, 60ALL4.4 Engine and engine transmissionlubrication hoses and fittings for leaks,chafing, damage, and proper support.Wire bundles and connectors forsecurity, damage, chafing, and propersupport. Access 41, 59, 60ALL/C4.5 Engine inlet housing and ductsfor cleanliness, foreign object damage,and debris. Visible areas of compressorblades and stators for damage andforeign materials. Inlet housingstruts and mount pads for cracks.On helicopters (Without 74 ), refer toTM 55-2840-254-23. On helicopters(With 74 ), refer to TM 1-2840-265-23."FOD REMINDER"Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection.2-20
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