TM 55-1520-240-T2-2.4 DYNAMIC ABSORBER SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)2-2.4TASKRESULT1. that LH VIB ABSORB circuitbreaker (1) is closed.Check that CTR VIB ABSORB circuitbreaker (2) is closed.Check that RH VIB ABSORB circuitbreaker (3) is closed.Turn selector switch (4) on test box toLEFT. Set test switch (5) to RETRACT.Hold test switch (5) to EXTEND.6. Hold test switch (5) to RETRACT.7. Set selector switch (4) to CENTER.8. Set selector switch (4) to RIGHT.If circuit breaker (1) is open, close it. If it opensagain, go to task 2-2.7.If circuit breaker (2) is open, close it. If it opensagain, go to task 2-2.6.If circuit breaker (3) is open, close it. If it opensagain, go to task 2-2.5.Hold test switch (5) at RETRACT until meter (6)pointer stabilizes at about 0. If meter pointer doesnot move, set test switch (5) to EXTEND. Ifmeter still does not Indicate, go to task 2-2.8.Meter (6) pointer shall move toward EXTEND. Itmay initially deflect off-scale. After that, pointershall return to average meter deflection (Table 2-1) and fall to about 0 in the time interval fortemperature (Table 2-1). If meter pointer does notmove to EXTEND go to task 2-2.9.Meter (6) pointer shall move toward RETRACT.It may initially deflect off-scale. Meter pointershall return to average meter deflection (Table 2-1). After that, pointer shall fall to about 0 in thetime interval for temperature (Table 2-1). If meterpointer does not move toward RETRACT, go totask 2-2.9.Repeat steps 4 thru 6. If meter (6) pointer doesnot move in either direction, go to task 2-2.10. Ifmeter pointer indicates in one direction only, go totask 2-2.11.Repeat steps 4 thru 6. If meter (6) pointer doesnot move in either direction, go to task 2-2.12. Ifmeter pointer moves in one direction only go totask 2-2.13.TABLE 2-1AVERAGET I M EMETERINTERVALTEMPERATUREDEFLECTIONIN SECONDS+50° F (+10° C)0.05 to 0.2050 to 300and above-4° F (-20° C) to0.04 to 0.2050 to 360+50° F (+10°C)-67°F (-55°C) to0.02 to 0.2050 to 480-4°F (-20°C)FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery DisconnectedElectrical Power OffHydraulic Power OffHeater Compartment Acoustic Blanket In-stalled9. Set selector switch (4). to O F F.END OF TASKChange 12-25
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