TM 55-1520-240-TTM 55-1520-240-T4-2.4ENGINE ANTI-ICING SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK4-2.4INITIAL SETUPReferences:Applicable Configurations:TM 55-1520-240-23Without 43 and 74Equipment Condition:Tools:TM 55-1520-240-23:NoneBattery ConnectedMaterials:Electrical Power OnNoneHydraulic Power OffVisual Check of Engine Anti-Icing System PerformedPersonnel Required:(Task 4-2.3)Medium Helicopter RepairerAircraft ElectricianTASKRESULT1.Check that ENG NO. 1 ANTI ICE circuit breaker (1)isIf ENG NO. 1 ANTI ICE circuit breaker (1) is open, If it opens again, go to task 4-2.5.2.Checkthat ENG NO. 2 ANTI ICE circuit breaker (2)isIf ENG NO. 2 ANTI ICE circuit breaker (2) is open, closeclosed. it. If it opens again, go to task 4-2.5.WARNINGEngine anti-ice valve solenoid is energizedwhen ENG anti-ice switch is at OFF. Solenoidbody temperature may exceed 300°F (149°C).Contact with solenoid body could cause per-sonnel burns or could be an ignition source.3.Listen to solenoid (3) on No. 1 engine anti-ice valveNo. 1 engine anti-icing valve solenoid (3) shall click when(4). Move ENG anti-ice switch (5) from OFF to ON toswitch (5) is cycled. If it does not, go to task 4-2.6.OFF.4.Listen to solenoid (3) on No. 2 engine anti-ice valveNo. 2 engine anti-icing valve solenoid (3) shall click when(4). Move ENG anti-ice switch (5) from OFF to ON toswitch (5) is cycled. If it does not, go to task 4-2.7.OFF.NOTEIf system was reported inoperative and operationalcheck found no problem, have pilot recheck system.If system fails pilot's check again, replaceappropriate anti-icing valve.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Electrical power off.Battery disconnected.Engine access covers closed.Engine work platforms closed.Engine air inlet screens installed.END OF TASKChange 17 4-35
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