TM 55-1520-240-T4-4.4 ENGINE START AND IGNITION SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)4-4.4TASKRESULT6.Have pilot start No. 1 engine. When NO. 1No. 1 engine shall accelerate to 60-63% N1 asENGINE gas producer tachometer (7) indicatesindicated on tachometer (7) within 45seconds.50%,SET ENGINE 1 START switch (8) toPower turbine inlet temperature shall rise and thenOFF. If engine has high PTIT or hot start, gostabilize at 400°C as indicated on PTIT indicator (9).to task 4-1.2.STARTER ON light (5) shall go out when switch (8) setto OFF. If engine does not start, go to task 4-4.12. If light(5) stays on, replace ENGINE 1 MOTOR/START switch.CAUTIONAfter starting NO. 1 ENGINE, do not delaystarting NO. 2 ENGINE more than 3 minutes,or motoring engine for 10 seconds every 30minutes. The N2 section of NO. 2 ENGINEstarts turning when NO. 1 ENGINE is started;however, the lubrication system of NO. 2ENGINE is driven by the N1 section; whichdoes not begin to turn until the STARTsequence is initiated. Delay in starting NO.2 ENGINE will result in excessive wear on N2bearing package and seals.7.Have pilot stop No. 1 engine if no furtherchecks are to be performed.CHECK NO. 2 ENGINE START AND IGNITION SYSTEM8.Have pilot motor No. 2 engine.ENGINE 2 STARTER ON light (6) shall come on.NO. 2 ENGINE gas producer tachometer (10) shallindicate 10to15%. If ENGINE 2 STARTER ONlight does not come on, go to task 4-4.10. If NO. 2ENGINE gas producer tachometer does not indicate10to15%N1, go to task 4-4.15.TASKRESULT9.Have pilot start No. 2 engine. When NO. 2No. 2 engine shall accelerate to 60-63%N1 asENGINE gas producer tachometer (10) indicatesindicated on tachometer (10) within 45seconds.50%, SET ENGINE 2 START switch (11) to OFF.Power turbine inlet temperature shall rise and thenIf engine has high PTIT or hot start, go to task 4-1.4.stabilize at 400C as indicated on PTIT indicator(12). STARTER ON light (6) shall go out whenswitch (11) set to OFF. If engine does not start,go to task 4-4.16. If light (6) stays on, replaceENGINE 2 MOTOR/START switch.CAUTIONAfter starting NO. 2 ENGINE, do notdelay starting NO. 1 ENGINE morethan 3 minutes, or motoring enginefor 10 seconds every 30 minutes.The N2 section of NO. 1 ENGINEstarts turning when NO. 2 ENGINE isstarted; however, the lubricationsystem of NO. 1 ENGINE is driven bythe N1 section; which does not beginto turn until the START sequence isinitiated. Delay in starting NO. 1ENGINE will result in excessive wearon N2 bearing package and seals.10.Have pilot stop engines.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Hydraulic Power OffElectrical Power OnBattery DisconnectedEND OF TASKChange 2 4-57
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