TM 55-1520-240-T7-6.3WHEEL BRAKE SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)7-6.3TASKRESULT1.Checkthat PARK BRAKE ON(Without 74) or PARKIf capsule is lit, press and release pilot pedals. If capsuleBRK ON(With 74) caution capsule (1) is still on, go to Task 7-6.4.2.Have helper manually turn all six wheels (2).All wheels shall turn freely. If any wheel does not turn, goto Task 7-6.5.3.Press pilot brake pedals (3).Have helper manually turnAll wheels shall come to a full stop. If not, go to Task 7-6.6.all forward and aft wheels.4.Release pilot brake pedals. Press copilot brake ped-All wheels shall come to a full stop. If not, go to Task 7-6.7.als (3).Have helper manually turn all forward and aftwheels (2).5.Press copilot brake pedals. Press pilot brake pedalsFwd and aft wheels shall be locked and PARK BRAKE(3). Pull out parking brake handle (4). Release brakeONlight shall come on. If parking brake will not lock, go topedals. Release handle.Task 7-6.8. If PARK BRAKE ON light does not come on,go to Task 7-6.9.6.Press and release pilot brake pedal (3)and haveParking brake handle shall return to off position. Forwardhelper turn wheels.and aft wheels shall unlock. PARK BRAKE ON (Without74) or PARK BRK ON(With 74) light shall go out. Ifparking brake handle does not return to off, go to Task7-6.10. If PARK BRAKE ON (Without 74) or PARKBRK ON(With 74) light does not go out or wheels staylocked, go to Task 7-6.4.7.Remove hydraulic power. Press and release pilot ped-Wheels shall be locked. If wheels turn, go to Task 7-6.11.als (3) twice.Then press and hold pilot pedals. HaveIf trouble symptom, brake pressure bleeds down within 8helper manually turn all six wheels (2).hourswith parking brake on, was reported, go to Task7-6.12.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery disconnected.Electrical power off.Hydraulic power off.Aircraft jack removed.END OF TASKChange 17 7-181
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