TM 55-1520-240-T8-11.3FUEL QUANTITY INDICATING SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)8-11.3TASKRESULT1.Check that FUEL QTY DC circuit breaker (1) is closed.If circuit breaker (1) is open, dose it. If it opens again, goto task 8-11.4.2.Check that FUEL QTY AC circuit breaker (2) is closed.If circuit breaker (2) is open, dose it. If it opens again, goto task 8-11.5.3.Set fuel quantity selector switch (3) to L MAIN.Fuel quantity indicator (4) shall read amount shown inTable 8-11.1. If indicator does not indicate amount shownin Table 8-11.1, go to task 8-11.6. If indicator pointer spinsin either direction, go to task 8-11.7.4.Set fuel quantity selector switch (3) to L FWD.Fuel quantity indicator (4) shall read amount shown inTable 8-11.1. If not, go to task 8-11.8.5.Set fuel quantity selector switch (3) to L AFT.Fuel quantity indicator (4) shall read amount shown inTable 8-11.1. If not, go to task 8-11.9.6.Set main quantity selector switch (3) R MAIN. Fuel quantity indicator (4) shall read amount shown inTable 8-11.1. If not, go to task 8-11.10.7.Set fuel quantity selector switch (3) to R FWD.Fuel quantity indicator (4) shall read amount shown inTable 8-11.1. If not, go to task 8-11.11.8.Set fuel quantity selector switch (3) to R AFT.Fuel quantity indicator (4) shall read amount shown inTable 8-11.1. If not, go to task 8-11.12.9.Set fuel quantity selector switch (3) to TOTAL.Fuel quantity indicator (4) digital readout shall indicateamount shown in Table 8-11.1. If not, go to task 8-11.13.10.If L FUEL LOW (Without 74) L FUEL LVL (With 74)warning capsule (5) on master caution panel (6) is on, goto task 8-11.14.11.If R FUEL LOW (Without74) R FUEL LVL (With 74)warning capsule (7) on master caution panel (6) is on, goto task 8-11.15.12.To check low fuel warning on left main fuel tank, drainIf L FUEL LOW (Without If) L FUEL LVL (With 74)tank until fuel level is below 320 to 420pounds.warning capsule (5) on master caution panel (6) does notcome on, go to task 8-11.16.13.To check low fuel warning on right main fuel tank, drainIf R FUEL LOW (Without 74) R FUEL LVL (With 74)tank until fuel level is below 320 to 420pounds.warning capsule (7) on master caution panel (6) does notcome on, go to task 8-11.17.TASKRESULTCHECK FUEL QUANTITY AT REFUEL PRECHECK PANEL14.Check that FUEL REFUEL circuit breaker (8)is dosed.If circuit breaker (8) is open, dose it. If it opens again, goto task 10-3.5.15.Set REFUEL STATION switch (9) to ON.16. Set PWR switch (10) to ON.Light (11) shall come on. If light (11) does not come on, goto task 10-3.8.17.Turn fuel quantity selector switch (12) to each posi-Fuel quantity indicator (13) shall read amount for eachtion. Record fuel quantity readingon fuel quantityswitch position shown in Table 8-11.1. If indicator does notindicator (13) for each switch any amount for all switch positions, go to task8-11.18. If indicator reads amount for all but one position,go to task 8-11.19.18.Set PWR switch (10) to OFF.19.Set REFUEL STATION switch (9) to OFF.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery disconnected.Electrical power off.Hydraulic power off.Forward right landing gear access panel closed.TABLE 8-11.1.SWITCHPOSITIONINDICATOR READING FOR FUEL TYPEJP-4JP-5JP-8SP GR 6.5 lbSP GR 6.8 lbSP GR 6.7 lbL MAIN1650 to 2150 lbs1650 to 2150 lbs1650 to 2150 lbsL FWD700 to 1000 lbs700 to 1000 lbs700 to 1000 lbsL AFT700 to 1000 lbs700 to 1000 lbs700 to 1000 lbsR MAIN1650 to 2150 lbs1650 to 2150 lbs1650 to 2150 lbsR FWD700 to 1000 lbs700 to 1000 lbs700 to 1000 lbsR AFT700 to 1000 lbs700 to 1000 lbs700 to 1000 lbsTOTAL6282 to 7082 lbs6581 to 7409 lbs6474 to 7300 lbsEND OF TASKChange 19 8-267
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