TM 55-1520-240-T8-14.3 MAINTENANCE PANEL POWER DISTRIBUTION OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)8-14.3TASKRESULT1. that HYDRAULICS MAINT PNL cir-cuit breaker (1) is closed.Check that HYDRAULICS MAINT PNL LTScircuit breaker (2) is closed.With q , check that AFCS NO. 1 circuitbreaker (14) is closed.With q , check that AFCS NO. 2 circuitbreaker (15) is closed.Remove maintenance panel light (3) frombracket. Press and release switch (4). Turncontrol (5) through its range.Set GND switch (6) to TEST.Set GND switch (6) to RESET, then toGND.Press and release FILTER CHANGE PRESSlight (8) and PUMP CHANGE NO. 1 light(9).Check that all six transmission main oil PRESSlights (10) and three transmission AUX OILPRESS lights (11) are lit.With q , check that left and rightGROUND CONTACT lights (12 and 13) arelit.If MAINT PNL circuit breaker (1) is open, close it. If itopens again, go to task 8-14.4.if MAINT PNL LTS circuit breaker (2) is open, closeit. If it opens again, go to task 8-14.5 (without q ).With q , go to task 8-14.10.If AFCS NO. 1 circuit breaker (14) is open, close it. Ifit opens again, go to task 11-3.6.If AFCS NO. 2 circuit breaker (15) is open, close it. Ifit opens again, go to task 11-3.11.Light (3) shall blink when switch (4) pressed and re-leased. Light shall become brighter as dimming con-trol (5) is turned. If light does not come on, go totask 8-14.6. If light comes on but does not becomebrighter, replace light.All 19 indicators (7) shall change from all black toblack-and-white fan displays. If one or more indica-tors has not changed display, go to task 8-14.7.All 19 indicators (7) shall change from black-and-white fan displays to ail-black displays. If one ormore indicators has not changed display, go to task8-14.8.All lights (8 and 9) shall momentarily come on. If alllights do not come on, go to task 8-14.9.If any light is not lit, replace lamp. If light still is noton, go to task 8-9.3.If left GROUND CONTACT light (12) is not lit, go totask 3-1.5.If right GROUND CONTACT light (13) is not lit, go totask 3-1.7.NOTERemainder of operations are checkedwith each individual system check.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23Battery disconnected.Electrical power off.END OF TASK8 - 3 2 3
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