TM 55-1520-240-T9-5.2 FORMATION LIGHTS VISUAL CHECK9-5.2INITIAL SETUPReferences:Applicable Configurations:TM 55-1520-240-23W i t h o u t Equipment Condition:Tools:TM 55-1520-240-23:Electrical Repairer’s Tool Kit,Battery DisconnectedNSN 5180-00-323-4915Electrical Power OffHydraulic Power OffMaterials:NonePersonnel Required:Aircraft ElectricianTASKRESULT1. Check three forward formation lights (1).If any light (1) is loose, cracked, or burnt, tighten orreplace it as required.NOTESlight discoloration of light face isnormal.2. Check two aft formation lights (2).If any light (2) is loose, cracked, or burnt, tighten orreplace it as required.3. Check FORMATION LTS control (3).If control (3) is loose or damaged, tighten or replaceit as required.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:NoneEND OF TASKChange 29-141
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