TM 55-1520-240-T9-12.8 CONSOLE PANEL LIGHTS OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)9 - 1 2 .8TASKRESULTCHECK CONSOLE PANEL LIGHTS1. that CONSOLE circuit breaker (1) isclosed.Check that ILLUM SW PWR circuit break-er (2) is closed.Turn CTR CSL control (3) from OFFthrough DIM to BRT.Turn STICK POSN IND control (4) fromOFF through DIM to BRT.Turn CTR CSL control (3) to OFF.Turn STICK POSN IND control (4) to OFF.If CONSOLE circuit breaker (1) is open, close it. If itopens again, go to task 9-12.9.If ILLUM SW PWR circuit breaker (1) is open, closeit. If it opens again, go to task 9-12.10.All console panels shall come on dim and increase inbrightness as control (3) is turned to BRT. If anypanel is not lit, go to task 9-12.11. If panel bright-ness does not increase, replace CTR CSL control. Ifonly one light is out, replace that light.Longitudinal stick indicator (5) shll come on dim andincrease in brightness as control (4) is turned toBRT. If indicator (5) is not lit, go to task 9-12.12. Ifindicator brightness does not increase above dim,replace STICK POSN IND control (4).All console panel lights shall go out. If they do not,replace CTR CSL control (3).Longitudinal stick indicator (5) shall go out. If it doesnot, replace STICK POSN IND control (4).TASKRESULTCHECK ILLUMINATED SWITCHES7. SYS SEL switch (6) on AFCS panel toOFF.Set PLT INST lights control (7) to OFF.Press and hold BARO ALT switch (8).Release BARO ALT switch (8).Set PLT INST lights control (7) to ON.Press and hold RAD ALT switch (9).Set Pilot inst lights control (7) to OFF.Release RAD ALT switch (9).Caption on BARO ALT switch (8) shall light bright. Ifit does not come on, go to task 9-12.13.Caption on BARO ALT switch (8) shall go out.Caption on RAD ALT switch (9) shall light dim. If itdoes not light dim, go to task 9-12.14.Caption on RAD ALT switch (9) shall light bright.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Electrical Power OffBattery DisconnectedEND OF TASKChange 29-228.3
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