TM 55-1520-240-T8-2.3GAS PRODUCER TACHOMETER SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK8-2.3INITIAL SETUPReferences:Applicable Configurations:TM 55-1520-240-10AllTM 55-1520-240-23Tools:Equipment Condition:NoneTM 55-1520-240-23:Materials:Battery ConnectedNoneElectrical Power OnPersonnel Required:Hydraulic Power OnRotary Wing AviatorVisual Check of Gas Producer Tachometer SystemAircraft ElectricianPerformed (Task 8-2.2)TASKRESULT1.Have pilot motor NO. 1 ENGINE.(Without 74) No. 1 gas producer tachometer shallindicate more than 10 percent. If it does not, but isaccompanied by the sounds of a normal engine start, goto task 8-2.4. If tachometer fluctuates or is erratic, go totask 8-2.6. If the start attempt is not accompanied by thesound of a normal engine start, go to task 4-4.11.(With 74 ) No. 1 gas producer tachometer shall indicatea nominal reading between 10 and 15 percent. If it doesnot, go to task 8-2.4.1. If tachometer reading fluctuates oris erratic, go to task 8- pilot motor NO. 2 ENGINE.(Without 74) No. 2 gas producer tachometer shallindicate more than 10 percent. If it does not, but isaccompanied by the sounds of a normal engine start, goto task 8-2.5. If tachometer fluctuates or is erratic, go totask 8-2.7. If the start attempt is not accompanied by thesound of a normal engine start, go to task 4-4.15.(With 74 ) No. 2 gas producer tachometer shall indicatea nominal reading between 10 and 15 percent. If it doesnot, go to task 8-2.5.1. If tachometer reading fluctuates oris erratic, go to task 8-2.7.1.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Engines shut down.Hydraulic power off.Electrical power off.Battery disconnected.A65272END OF TASK8-32 Change 19
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