TM 55-1520-240-T9-13.3 SECONDARY COCKPIT LIGHTS OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)9-13.3TASKRESULT1. that INSTR FLOOD LIGHTINGcircuit breaker (1) is closed.Check that DC BUS CONT NO. 1 circuitbreaker (2) is closed.Set PILOT FLT INST LTS control (3) toOFF.Set INST PNL CONSOLE, and OVHDPNL FLOOD LTS switches (4, 5, and 6)to ON.Turn FLOOD LTS control (7) from OFFthrough DIM to BRT.Set INST PNL FLOOD LTS switch (4) toOFF.Set CONSOLE FLOOD LTS switch (5) toOFF.Set OVHD PNL FLOOD LTS switch (6)to OFF.Open NO. 1 DC BUS CONT circuitbreaker (2). Sat INST PNL switch (4) toON.Set INST PNL switch (4) to OFF.Turn PILOT FLT INST LTS control (3) toBRT.If circuit breaker (1) is open, close it. If it opensagain, go to task 9-13.4.If circuit breaker (2) is open, close it. If it opensagain, go to task 9-13.5.Ten flood lights, eight on instrument panel andtwo behind pilot’s seat shall come on dim andthen increase in brightness. If flood lights do notcome on go to task 9-13.6. If flood lights do notincrease in brightness, replace FLOOD LTS control(7).Six flood lights on instrument panel shall go out. Ifflood lights do not go out, go to task 9-13.7.Two flood lights over center panel shall go out. Ifflood lights do not go out, replace switch (5).Two flood lights behind pilot’s and copilot’s seatshall go out. If flood lights do not go out, replaceswitch (6).Six flood lights on instrument panel and pilot’s andcopilot’s turn and slip indicators (8) lights shallcome on. If flood lights and pilot’s and copilot’sturn and slip lights do not come on, go to task 9-13.8.Flood lights and pilot’s and copilot’s turn and slipindicator (8) lights shall go out. If flood lights andindicator lights do not go out, replace switch (4).Overhead panel flood lights, instrument panelflood lights, and pilot’s and copilot’s turn and slipindicator lights shall come on. If not, go to task 9-13.9.TASKRESULT12. Turn PILOT FLT INST LTS control (3) toFlood lights and indicator lights shall go out. If notOFF.replace PILOT FLT INST LTS control (3).13. Close NO. 1 DC BUS CONT circuitbreaker (2).FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery OffElectrical Power OffHydraulic Power OffEND OF TASK9-233
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