TM 55-1520-240-T9-14.10 COCKPIT DOME AND UTILITY LIGHTS OPERATIONAL CHECK9-14.10INITIAL SETUPApplicable Configurations:Tools:References:TM 55-1520-240-23Equipment Condition:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery ConnectedElectrical Power OnMaterials:Hydraulic Power OffNoneCockpit Dome Utility Lights Visual Check Per-Personnel Required:formed (Task 9-14.9)Aircraft ElectricianTASKRESULT1. that LIGHTING COCKPIT DOME cir-cuit breaker (1) is closed.Set DOME switch (2) to WHT.Turn DOME switch (2) to OFF.Set DOME switch (2) to NVG.Set DOME switch (2) to OFF.Remove pilot’s utility light from overheadpanel bracket. Press and release switch (4).Turn dimming control (5) through itsrange.Stow pilot’s utility light.Perform steps 6 and 7 with copilot’s utility Iight.If COCKPIT DOME circuit breaker (1) is open, closeit. If it opens again, go to task 9-14.11.White light in both dome lights shall come on. If anydome light is not lit, go to task 9-14.12.Dome lights shall go out.Blue light in both dome lights shall come on. If anydome light is not lit, go to task 9-14.13.Dome lights shall go out.Utility light shall blink when switch (4) is pressed andreleased. Utility light shall increase in brightness asdimming control (5) is turned. If utility light does notcome on, go to task 9-14.14. If light comes on butdoes not increase in brightness, replace utility light.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery DisconnectedElectrical Power OffEND OF TASKChange 29-258.3
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