T M 5 5 - 1 5 2 0 - 2 4 0 - T9-17.3 UTILITY RECEPTACLES OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)9-17.3TASKRESULTTASKRESULT1. that COPILOT LH FWD and LH AFTUTILITY circuit breakers (1, 2 and 3) areclosed.Check that LH UTIL RCPT circuit breaker (4)is closed.Check that LH CABIN AC RCPT circuitbreaker (5) is closed.Check that RH FWD, RH AFT, AND PILOTutility circuit breakers (6, 7 and 8) are closed.Check that RH UTIL circuit breaker (9) isclosed.Check that RH CABIN AC RCPT circuitbreaker (10) is closed.Connect a multi meter, set to measure28VDC,between small socket (+) and largesocket of UTIL RCPT 28VDC receptacle (11).Connect a multimeter, set to read 28VDC,between small socket (+) and large socket ofUTIL RCPT 28VDC receptacle (12).Connect a multimeter, set to read 28VDC,between small socket (+) and large socket ofsix cabin left side receptacles (13 and 14).Connect a multimeter, set to read 28VDC,between small socket (+) and large socket insix cabin right side receptacles (15 and 16).Connect a multimeter, set to read 115VAC,between pin D and pins A, B, and C in cabinleft side 3 phase receptacle (17).Connect a multimeter, set to read 115VAC,between narrow socket and wide socket andbetween narrow socket and ground socket inreceptacle (18).Connect a multlmeter, set to read 115VAC,between pin D and pins A, B, and C on cabinright side 3-phase receptacle (19).If any circuit breaker (1, 2, or 3) is open, close it, Ifany circuit breaker opens again, go to task 9-17.4.If circuit breaker (4) is open, close it, If it opensagain, go to task 9-17.4.If circuit breaker (5) is open, close it. If it opensagain, go to task 9-17.5.If any circuit breaker (6, 7, and 8) is open, close it.If any circuit breaker opens again, go to task 9-17.4.If circuit breaker (9) is open, close it. if it opensagain, go to task 9-17.4.If circuit breaker (10) is open, close it, If it opensagain, go to task 9-17.5.Multimeter shall read 28VDC.If not; go to task 9-17.6.Multi meter shall read 28VDC.If not, go to task 9-17.6.Multi meter shall read 28VDC.If not, go to task 9-17.6.Multi meter shall read 28VDC,If not, go to task 9-17.7.Multi meter shall read 115VACon all 3 pins. If not,go to task 9-17.8.Multi meter shall read 115VACon both readings. Ifnot, go to task 9-17.8.Multi meter shall read 115VACat all 3 pins. If not,go to task 9-17.9.14, Connect a multi meter, set to read 115VAC,Multi meter shall read 115VACon both readings. Ifbetween narrow socket and wide socket andnot go to task 9-17.9.between narrow socket and ground socket onreceptacle (20).FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery DisconnectedElectrical Power OffHydraulic Power OffUtility Receptacles Dust Covers InstalledEND OF TASK9 - 3 07
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