TM 55-1520-240-T18-3.3 DOPPLER/GPS NAVIGATION SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK18-3.3INITIAL SETUPApplicable Configurations:AllReferences:TM 11-1520-240-23TM 11-5841-305-12TM 55-1520-240-23Tools:Electrical Repairer’s Tool Kit,NSN 5180-00-323-4915Materials:NonePersonnel Required:Aircraft Electrician (2)Equipment Condition:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery ConnectedElectrical Power OffHydraulic Power OffDoppler/GPS Navigation System VisualCheck Performed(Task 18-3.2)NOTETASKRESULTNOTERemove aircraft from overhead cover.CHECK CIRCUIT BREAKERS1.2.Check that DOPPLER breakers (1) on No. 1and 2 pdp are closed.If circuit breakers are open, close them.Start APU. Refer to task 15-1.4.APU ON capsule shall come on.CHECK DGNS LIGHTING3.Turn aircraft CTR CSL LTG control (2) clock-wise and counterclockwise while checkingCDU (3) Edge lighting is illuminated and allkeyboard keys are illuminated.4.Set CDU (3) MODE switch (4) to LAMP TEST.CDU MAL LAMP and all LED segments on four-lineEnter GPS mode “M”. Verify that MAL LAMPdisplay are illuminated. If CDU MAL LAMP and all LEDand ail LED segments on four-line display aresegments are not illuminated go to taskilluminated.18-3.5.5.Press CDU (3) DIM (5) pushbutton severaltimes, the BRT (6) pushbutton several times.CDU (3) panel Edge light and all keyboard lights shallvary with the changing setting of the aircraft dimmercontrol (2). If CDU (3) panel Edge and keyboard lightsare not visible or intensity level does not vary with air-craft dimmer control (2) go to task 18-3.4The LED display will grow dimmer then brighten. If theintensity of the LED display does not vary replaceCDU.TASKRESULT6.Set CDU (3) MODE switch (4) to TEST.After Doppler and/or GPS self tests have been com-pleted (approximately 15 seconds for Doppler, up to 2minutes for GPS) one of the following indications willbe observed in left and right displays. If the display isnot GO ALL go to task 18-3.6.In the event TEST mode display is not GO ALL the system should be recycled throughOFF to verify that the failure is not momentary one.LEFT DISPLAYRIGHT DISPLAYGOGOGONGDNDFGNALLPC, R, S or H fol-lowed by a nu-meric codeA failure has occurred in the Computer Display Unit or the Signal Data Con-verter Power Supply. The operator should not use the System.GPS failure codeGPS has failed but operator can use Doppler to perform all navigation.Doppler failurecodeDoppler has failed. GPS is still performing self test.Doppler failurecodeDoppler has failed but operator can use GPS to perform all code navigation.REMARKSDoppler has completed Built In Test (BIT) and is operating satisfactorily,GPS is still performing BIT (GPS has a 2 minute BIT cycle maximum). Notethat a rotating bar in the display indicates that the GPS is still performing selftest.The entire system has completed BIT and is operating satisfactorily.Pitch or Roll data is missing or exceeds 90 degrees. In this case, pitch androll in the computer are both set to zero and navigation in the Doppler modecontinues with degraded operation. Problem may be in the vertical gyro oraircraft cabling.GO TO NEXT PAGE18-70 Change 19
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