TM 55-1520-240-T11-3.3 AFCS OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)11-3.3TASKRESULTCHECK LONGITUDINAL CYCLIC TRIM ACTUATOR CONTROL42. Set CYCLIC TRIM AUTO MANUALswitch (37) to MANUAL.43. Set and hold FWD switch (45) to EXT. FWD CYC TRIM indicator (38) pointer shall movefrom GND to EXT position. If it does not, go totask 11-3.35.44. Set and hold FWD switch (45) to RET. FWD CYC TRIM indicator (38) pointer shall movefrom EXT to RET position. If it does not, go to task11-3.35.45. Release FWD switch (45). Set and holdAFT CYC TRIM indicator (39) pointer shall moveAFT switch (46) to EXT.from GND to EXT position. If it does not, go totask 11 -3.36.46. Set and hold AFT switch (46) to RET. AFT CYC TRIM indicator (39) pointer shall movefrom EXT to RET position. If it does not, go to task11-3.36.47. Release AFT switch (46).48. Set CYCLIC TRIM AUTO MANUALPointers on FWD and AFT CYC TRIM indicatorsswitch (37) to AUTO.(38 and 39) shall move to GND positions.CHECK HDG, RAD ALT, AND BARO ALT SWITCHES49. Check that SYSTEM SEL switch (26) is atIf not, set it to BOTH.BOTH.50. Press and hold HDG switch (47). HDG switch (47) ENGAGED caption shall comeon. If not, go to task 11-3-37.51. Release HDG switch (47).52. Press and release RAD ALT switch (48). RAD ALT switch (48) ENGAGED caption shallcome on and stay on. If not, go to task 11 -3.38.TASKRESULT53. Press and release BARO ALT switchRAD ALT switch (48) ENGAGED caption shall go(49).out. BARO ALT switch (49) ENGAGED captionshall come on. If not, go to task 11-3.38.54. Set SYSTEM SEL switch to position 1, thenBARO ALT switch (49) ENGAGED caption shallto OFF.go out. If not, replace AFCS control panel.CHECK LONGITUDINAL COCKPIT CONTROL DRIVER ACTUATOR55. Set and hold pilot's pitch and roll trimPitch and roll control sticks shall move forward. Ifswitch (40) forward.not, go to task 1 1-3-39.56. Set and hold pilot's pitch and roll trimPitch and roll control sticks shall move aft. If not,switch (40) aft.go to task 11 -3.39.57. Repeat steps 55 and 56 using copilot's pitchand roll trim switch (40).NOTEIf a problem with AFCS occurred during flightand could not be verified by the AFCSoperational check, refer to table 11-3.2 tolocate trouble symptom task number.TABLE 11-3.1BITE TEST NUMBERTASK NO. ORMAINTENANCE ACTION4, 5, 7, 8, 10-17, 19-47, 49-69................................................................ Replace computer75-84, 88, 90-94, 96-127. ......................................................................6, 9, 18........................................................................................... 11-3.4048 .................................................................................................. 11 -3.4170-74 ............................................................................................. 11-3.4285, 86............................................................................................. 11-3.43 or 11-3.4487 ..................................................................................................11-3.4589 .................................................................................................. 11-3.46 or 11-3.4795 ..................................................................................................11-3.48D145-11910- SPAGO TO NEXT PAGE11-58 Change 2
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