TM 55-1520-240-T11-3.34.2 AFT LCT ACTUATOR OPERATIONAL CHECK11-3.34.2INITIAL SETUPReferences:Applicable Configurations:TM 55-1520-240-23AllEquipment Condition:Tools:TM 55-1520-240-23:Digital OhmmeterBattery ConnectedElectrical Power OnMaterials:Hydraulic Power OnNoneWork Platform OpenPersonnel Required:Aircraft ElectricianMedium Helicopter RepairerTASKRESULTTASKRESULT1. cyclic trim switch (1) to MANUAL po-sition.Do not operate the LCT actuatorswithout hydraulic power on thehelicopter.Using AFT (EXT-RET) switch (2), fully re-tract the AFT LCT actuator (3).Remove electrical power from the actua-tor and disconnect the connector.Using a digital ohmmeter, check pins Aand C of AFT actuator connection (Task11-3.1).Reconnect the actuator and apply electri-cal power.Using AFT (EXT-RET) switch (2), fully ex-tend the AFT LCT actuator (3).Remove electrical power from the actua-tor and disconnect the connector.Using a digital ohmmeter, check pins Band C of AFT actuator connection (Task11-3.1). should show open.13.14.15.Reconnect the actuator and apply electri-cal power.Using AFT (EXT-RET) switch (2), operatethe AFT actuator (3) from full extend tofull retract. Clock the travel time.Using AFT (EXT-RET) switch (2), operatethe AFT actuator (3) from full retract tofull extend. Clock the travel time.Manually operate the actuator to full re-tract.Move cyclic trim switch (1) to AUTO.Perform an AFCS BITE TEST on the No. 1and No. 2 systems (Task 11-3.3).Monitor the cockpit LCT indicator (4).Time must not exceed 25 seconds.Time must not exceed 25 seconds.If acceptable AFT actuator operation is not obtainedin all preceding steps, replace defective actuator (TM55-1520-240-23).Cockpit LCT indicator (4) should show GND.Failure of any AFCS BITE steps for LCT operationindicates possible actuator defect. Replace defectiveactuator (TM 55-1520-240-23).Erratic indicator movement indicates possible actua-tor defect. Replace defective actuator (TM 55-1520-240-23).Circuit should show open.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Hydraulic power off.Electrical power off.Battery disconnected.Work platform closed.GO TO NEXT PAGEChange 1011-132.3
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