TM 55-1520-240-T12-3.4 FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)12-3.4TASKRESULT1.Checkthat ENGINE NO. 1 FIRE EXT circuitIf FIRE EXT circuit breaker (1) is open, close it. If itbreaker (1)is closed.opens again, go to task 12-3.5.2.Checkthat ENGINE NO. 2 FIRE EXT circuitIf FIRE EXT circuit breaker (2) is open, close it. If itbreaker (2)is closed.opens again, go to task 12-3.5.3.Tag and disconnect two wires (3 and 4) fromeach cartridge (5) on fire extinguishers (6).CAUTIONMake sure wire terminal lugs do nottouch cartridge terminals or fuse-lage. Aircraft damage or fire extin-guisher discharge could occur.CAUTIONDo not connect multimeter to car-tridge. This could discharge extin-guisher agent or reduce cartridgelife.4.Connect multimeter, set to measure 28VDC,between wires W668-68-20(+) and W668-GD125A20N(-)at forward cartridge (5) on No. 1fire extinguisher (6).5.Pull out NO. 1 ENGINE fire handle (7).6.Set and hold FIRE EXT AGENT switch (8) toMultimeter shall indicate 28VDC. If not, go to taskBOTTLE NO. 1.12-3.6. If voltage is present and trouble symptom,Fire extinguisher No. 1 did not discharge on No. 1engine, was reported, replace forward cartridge (5)on No. 1 fire extinguisher (6).7.Release FIRE EXT AGENT switch (8).8.Disconnect multimeter. Connect multimeterto wires W668-69-20 (+) and W668-GD246A20N (-)at forward cartridge (5) on No. 2fire extinguisher (6).9.Set and hold FIRE EXT AGENT switch (8) toMultimeter shall indicate 28VDC. If not, go to taskBOTTLE NO. 2.12-3.7. If voltage is present and trouble symptom,Fire extinguisher No. 2 did not discharge on No. 1engine, was reported, replace forward cartridge (5)on No. 2 fire extinguisher (6).10. Release FIRE EXT AGENT switch (8).11. Push in NO. 1 ENGINE fire handle (7).12. Pull out NO. 2 ENGINE fire handle (9).13. Disconnect multimeter. Connect multimeterto wires W666-64-20 (+) and W666-GD247A20Nat aft cartridge (5) on No. 1 fire extin-guisher (6).TASKRESULT14. Set and hold FIRE EXT AGENT switch (8) toMultimeter shall indicate 28VDC. If not, go to taskBOTTLE NO. 1.12-3.8. If voltage is present and trouble symptom.Fire extinguisher No. 1 did not discharge on No. 2engine, was reported, replace aft cartridge (5) onNo. 1 fire extinguisher (6).15. Release FIRE EXT AGENT switch (8).16. Disconnect multimeter. Connect multimeterto wire W666-63-20 (+) and W666-GD124A20Nat aft cartridge (5) on No. 2 fire extin-guisher (6).17. Set and hold FIRE EXT AGENT switch (8) toMultimeter shall indicate 28VDC. If not, go to taskBOTTLE NO. 2.12-3.9. If voltage is present and trouble symptom.Fire extinguisher No. 2 did not discharge on No. 2engine, was reported, replace aft cartridge (5) onNo. 2 fire extinguisher (6).18. Release FIRE EXT AGENT switch (8).19. Push in NO. 2 ENGINE fire handle (9).CAUTIONInsure wires are connected to rightterminals on cartridge. Reverse con-nections will prevent agent releasewhen a fire occurs. Ground wiremust be connected to terminal onside of cartridge.20. Connect two wires (3 and 4) to each cartridge (5) onfire extinguishers (6). See tags and wiring diagram(12-3.2). Remove tags.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:Perform operational check of engine fuel shutoff valves.TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery DisconnectedElectrical Power OffEND OF TASKChange 12 12-59
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