TM 55-1520-240-TCHAPTER 15AUXILIARY POWER UNIT SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTINGCHAPTER OVERVIEWChapter 15 contains all procedures for the Auxiliary Power Unit Troubleshooting including the interface to the Main Engine Starter. TheAuxiliary Power Unit failure symptoms are listed in Table No. 15-1. Included in this chapter are locations and views of all electricalconnectors, receptacles, relays and ground connections for the Auxiliary Power Unit and the interface control systems of the Airframe.Refer to TM 55-1520-240-23 for required maintenance procedures.DIAGRAMS AND ILLUSTRATIONSIncluded in this chapter are block diagrams, illustrations, maintenance tables, schematic diagrams, wiring diagrams, piping diagrams andtroubleshooting Iogic trees which are necessary to troubleshoot the APU system components including the interface to the Main EngineStarter components. All APU systems troubleshooting instructions are contained in this chapter and are listed in the seven (7) groupsdescribed in the order listed below. The application of the APU Field Tester is described in paragraph 15-7.APU SYSTEMS MAJOR TITLESPARA.VISUAL CHECKSPARA.OPERATIONAL CHECKSPARA.APU TO AIRFRAME INTERFACE15-1APU VISUALAPU ELECTRICAL SYSTEM15-2APU HYDRAULICAPU FUEL SYSTEM15-3ENGINE HYDRAULICAPU HYDRAULIC SYSTEM15-4APU / ENGINE HYDRAULIC STARTER15-5APU MICROPROCESSOR ELECTRONICSEQUENCE UNIT (ESU)15-6APU TESTER15-7TABLE 15-1 APU COMPOSITE FAILURE SYMPTOM LISTTEMSYMPTOMAPPLICABLENO.SYSTEMTASK1APU DOES NOT MOTORAPU DOES NOT MOTORELECTRICAL15-2.10APU DOES NOT MOTOR, ESU BITE INDICATESELECTRICAL15-2.10APU DOES NOT MOTOR, ESU BITE INDICATESELECTRICAL15-2.10APU DOES NOT MOTOR, ESU BITE INDICATESELECTRICAL15-2.10APU DOES NOT MOTOR, ESU BITE INDICATESELECTRICAL15-2.10APU DOES NOT MOTORHYDRAULIC15-4.1015-1.4APU NORMAL OPERATION15-1.515-4.7APU - HYDRAULIC STARTING15-4.815-5.4ENGINE – HYDRAULIC STARTING15-5.5APU TESTER OPERATION15-7.3TABLE 15-1 APU COMPOSITE FAILURE SYMPTOM LIST (Continued)ITEMSYMPTOMAPPLICABLENO.TASKSYSTEM2APU MOTORS BUT DOES NOT STARTAPU MOTORS BUT DOES NOT START, ESU BITEFUEL - (APU)15-3.6INDICATEST H E NAPU MOTORS BUT DOES NOT START, ESU BITEFUEL - (APU)15-3.7INDICATEST H E NAPU MOTORS BUT DOES NOT START, ESU BITEHYDRAULIC15-4.11INDICATESO RT H E NAPU MOTORS BUT DOES NOT START, ESU BITEELECTRONIC15-6.11INDICATESAPU MOTORS BUT DOES NOT START, ESU BITEELECTRONIC15-6.12INDICATESO RT H E NAPU MOTORS BUT DOES NOT START, ESU BITEELECTRONIC15-6.13INDICATEST H E N15-3
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