TM 55-1520-240-T16-2.2 FLARE DISPENSER SYSTEM VISUAL CHECK (Continued)TASKRESULT1. Check DISP CONT panel (1).If any switch, counter, or light on panel (1) isdamaged, replace panel.2. Check flare DISP switch (2) on pilot’s andIf either switch (2) is damaged, replace grip (3 orcopilot’s pitch and roll control grips (3 and 4).4).3. Check four cable assemblies (5).If any cable assembly (5) is damaged, repair or re-place it as required. If any switch (6) in cableassembly (5) is damaged replace cable assembly.4. Check timer (7).If timer (7) iS loose or damaged tighten or replaceit as required. If connector to timer is loose ordamaged, tighten or replace it as required. If wir-ing to connector is damaged, repair or replace it asrequired.5. Check dispenser status panel (8).If any light or switch on panel (8) is damaged, re-place it. If connector to panel is loose or damaged,tighten or replace it as required. If wiring to con-nector is damaged repair or replace it as required.6. Check flare dispenser viewing windowIf window (9) is clouded or broken, clean or re-(9).place it as required.7. Check flare dispenser wiring and electricalIf plug or receptacle (10) is loose or damaged,plug and receptacle (10).tighten or replace it as required. If wiring to plug orreceptacle is damaged, repair or replace it as re-quired.8. Check flare dispenser assembly (11).If dispenser is loose or damaged, tighten or re-place it as required.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:None16-2.2END OF TASK16-79
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