TM 55-1680-358-12&P(f) Attach outboard rail/roller assemblies, stations373.469 to 487.000 (5 and 6, Figure 3-2) to 10k fittingassemblies (22) at stations 400.00 and 481.780. Refer toFigures 2-5 and 2-6).NOTEDue to possible irregularities in aircraft,pallet, and/or cargo system, the main deckoutboard rails may have less than therequired lateral spacing which must be notless than 88.00 inches. Use spacers inpairs where relief is necessary in order tomaintain required separation, i.e., onespacer should be used on either side whenrequired. Do not use two spacers togetheron a side. Use of more than one shim at alocation can jeopardize adequate griplength of the 10k fitting and outboard railattachment bolts and is not permissible.(g) Measure lateral spacing of outboard rails at(stations 240.000, 320.000, 400.000, 481.78). If spacingis less than the required 88.00 inches, a 0.060 inch thickspacer (P/N 18049C545) is to be inserted between the10k fitting and the outboard rail to maintain required railclearance.(h) Make splice connections between outboardrail/roller assemblies, stations 158.500 to 274.000 (1 and2, Figure 3-2), and rail/roller assemblies, stations 272.531to 374.000 (3 and 4) on both left and right sides. Use twohex head bolts (29) and flat washers (43) per splice.Refer to Figure 2-7.(i) Make splice connections between outboardrail/roller assemblies, stations 272.531 to 374.000 (3 and4) and rail/roller assemblies, stations 373.469 to 487.000(5 and 6), on both left and right sides. Use two hex headbolts (29) and flat washers (43) per splice. Refer toFigure 2-7.(j) If floor patches cause interference problems withoutboard rail/roller assemblies (1 through 6, Figure 3-2),modify as follows. Mark the area on the rail/rollerassembly. Remove rail/roller assembly. Machine orrelieve the area as necessary to ensure adequateclearance of rail/roller assembly and patched area. Inmodified area, remove all sharp edges. Have 0.13 inch(approximate) radii where needed (Figure 2-8). Repaintas specified in Chapter 3.(k) Connect twenty-six floor-mounted tiedown ringsin the helicopter to the outboard rail/roller assemblies,stations 158.500 to 274.000 (1 and 2, Figure 3-2)outboard rail/roller assemblies, stations 272.531 to374.000 (3 and 4), and outboard rail/roller assemblies,stations 373.469 to 487.000 (5 and 6). Use 5k tiedownfitting assemblies (21). There are thirteen symmetricallocations per side. Refer to Figure 2-9 for details.CAUTIONEnsure conical washer (6, Figure 3-16)has flat down when installing 5k tiedownfitting assembly (21, Figure 3-2). (SeeFigure 2-9 for correct position).CAUTIONAt station 360.000, use tiedown fittingassembly, station 360.000 (23) and not 5ktiedown fitting assembly (21). (SeeFigure 2-10.) Tiedown washer (1, Figure3-18) should have the flat down.(1) Connect two floor-mounted tiedown ringson the left and right sides at station 360.000 (23, Figure 3-2) to outboard rail/roller assemblies, stations 272.531 to374.000 (3 and 4). Use tiedown fitting assemblies, station360.000 (23) as shown in Figure 2-10.c. Inboard Guide/Roller Assembly. Install inboardguide/roller assembly, stations 157.750 to 272.188 (9,Figure 3-2); inboard guide/roller assembly, stations272.313 to 377.188 (10); inboard guide/roller assembly,stations 377.313 to 427.188 (11); and inboard guide/rollerassembly, stations 427.375 to 487.000 (12) as follows:(1) Position inboard guide/roller assembly,station 157.750 to 272.188 (9) on B.L. 0.000. Make surethe forward end is aligned at station 157.750 as shown inFigure 2-11.(2) Connect three tiedown assemblies (9through 16, Figure 3-7), as shown in Figure 2-11, to 5ktiedown rings on the helicopter floor. Use centerline ringplug assemblies (24, Figure 3-2).(3) Position inboard guide/roller assembly,stations 272.313 to 377.188 (10) on B.L. 0.000 directlybehind inboard guide/roller assembly, stations 157.750 to272.188 (9).(4) Connect three tiedown assemblies (45through 60, Figure 3-8), as shown in Figure 2-11, to 5ktiedown fitting assemblies (21, Figure 3-2) on thehelicopter floor. Use centerline ring plug assemblies (24).(5) Position inboard guide/roller assembly,stations 377.313 to 427.188 (11) on B.L. 0.000 directlybehind inboard guide/roller assembly, stations 272.313 to377.188 (10).Change 12-11
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