TM 55-6930-212-10Table 8-3. IOS Forward Control Panel Controls and Indicators - ContinuedControl/IndicatorControlFunctionIC/MAP/LOADLDSHP/DEMO/MALFNUMBER SEL (000-999)Black/Selects numbers for insertion/deletion of3-digit thumbwheelWhiteIC, map display, load page, malfunctions,leadship, or demonstrations.EMER STOP guardedBlue/Turns off power to entire simulator complex.switchlightGreenDELETE switchlightWhiteDeletes malfunction or demonstration indica-ted by NUMBER SEL.INSERT switchlightWhiteInserts IC, area map, malfunction, or demon-stration indicated by NUMBER SEL.STORE PLOT switchlightWhiteStores memory in training mode for transferto hardcopy unit.MANEWUV MARK switchlightWhiteDuring demonstration formulation, creates andstores intermediate IC points to which thesimulator can be moved.MOTION ON switchlightGreenWith cockpit power on, activates motion sys-tem if all interlocks are satisfied. Lamp re-mains illuminated as long as motion isoperable.MOTION OFF switchlightWhiteDeactivates motion system. Lamp remainsilluminated when motion is off.HOSTILE GND FIRE switch-WhiteSimulates hostile ground fire.lightA/S ALT FREEZE switchlightWhiteFreezes airspeed and altitude when activated.FREEZE switchlightWhiteFreezes all action when lamp illuminatessteadily.Indicates initialization in progress when lampblinksHOOK SEL switchSelects which hook (FWD, CTR, or AFT) willbe used for pickupLOAD HOOKED switchlightWhiteIndicates simulated load is hooked and readyfor transfer.CLIMB TURN R FREEZEWhiteWhen activated, freezes turn and climb rate.switchlightMushroom freeze switchYellowFreezes all action when switch is depressed.COPILOT CONTROL LOADINGRed/guard-Deactivates motion switched cover8-13
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