TM 1-1520-240-CLP-59. CARGO HOOK MSTR switch — RESET andrelease to OFF, then set to ARM.10. CARGO HOOK SEL switch — TANDEM.11. CARGO HOOK RELEASE switch (pilot’s cyclic)— Press.12. CARGO HOOK MSTR switch — RESET andrelease to OFF, then set to ARM.13. CARGO HOOK SEL switch — ALL.14. CARGO HOOK RELEASE switch (copilot’scyclic) — Press.15. CARGO HOOK MSTR switch — RESET andrelease to OFF.F16. CARGO HOOK RELEASE switches — Press.FLIGHT CONTROL TRAVEL ANDHYDRAULICS(FOR THUR FLIGHTSPERFORM STEPS 2 THUR 5 IN BOTH)1. FLT CONTR Hydraulic switch — 1 ON.2. Check cyclic for freedom of movement in allquadrants. Check for minimum of 7 inchesforward and 4 inches aft travel.3. Check thrust through full travel for freedom ofmovement and magnetic brake for properoperation.4. Check pedals through full travel for freedom ofmovement.5. Position the cyclic and pedals at neutral, thrustat ground detent.6. FLT CONTR Hydraulic switch — 2 ON, repeatsteps 2 thru 5.7. FLT CONTR Hydraulic switch — BOTH.714ADECU PRESTART BIT1. B/U PWR switch — On.2. Wait until ENG FAIL, FADEC, and REV Lights goout.
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