TM 1-1500-250-234-3. Mooring on Non-paved Surfaces.a. Ground Anchor Kit (NSN 8340-00-951-6423).Refer to table 4-1 for kit contents and figures 4-16through 4-22 for component breakout.NOTEThe Ground Anchor Kit for mooring onnon-paved surfaces is recommended forall tactical environments (non-paved sur-faces).b. Function and Description of each kit com-ponent.(1)GroundAnchor.The assembly is com-posed of a metal arrowhead with approximately threefeet of wire rope attached at the center (figure 4-17).The anchor is driven into the ground and provides themooring base.(2) SteelDrivingRod.The rod’s outsidediameter is 3/4 inch x 3 feet long (figure 4-18). Itholds the ground anchor and is used to drive theanchor into the ground.(3)DrivingHead.Size is 2 1/4 inches outsidediameter x 2 3/4 inches long. The steel driving headfits over the top of the driving rod and provides thecontact surface on which to hammer the assembly(figure 4-19).(4) HoldingToolHandle.(Figure 4-20). Sizeis 24 inches long. It is made from 1/4 inch diametersteel rod and slips over the steel driving rod to holdthe unit while driving the ground anchor arrowheadinto the ground. It allows the assembly to be heldsafely while driving.c. Connecting the ground anchors to the aircraft.The kit does not contain rope to connect the groundanchors to the aircraft. The following items are recom-mended for securing the aircraft:(1)(2)d.Polyester Rope4030-01-028-3843(1/2 inch diameter)4020-00-765-39284020-00-630-4873Tiedown, Cargo, Aircraft 1670-00-725-1437(Webbing Binder)Installation.NOTERefer to the applicable -23 TechnicalManual, under Mooring, to determine thenumber of anchors required per aircraft.One anchor is required per mooring line.(1) Refer to figures 4-16 and 4-17 and insert theground anchor (arrowhead) stem into the bottom of thedriving rod.(2) Refer to figures 4-16 and 4-20 and slip theholding handle over the driving rod while driving intothe ground.(3) Refer to figures 4-16, 4-18 and 4-19 and insertthe driving head onto the top of the driving rod.(4) Refer to figure 4-16 and drive the anchorhead/driving rod assembly into the ground, hammeringon the drive head. and holding the assembly with theholding handle. ITEMTable 4-1. Ground Anchor KitQ U A N T I TY F I GAnchor, Ground504-17(4 inch arrowheadwith anchoring wire)Head, Driving24-19Handle, Holding Tool24-20Rod, Steel, Driving24-18NSN4030-00-972-26705120-00-051-86415120-00-134-47255120-00-970-64124-18Change 1I U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1992 - 654-028/60408PIN:045826-001
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