TM 55-1500-250-23(5) Refer to figure 4-21, View A, and drive theassembly approximately 3 to 3 1/2 feet until only thethimble of the wire rope portion of the ground anchor isabove ground.(6) Refer to figure 4-21, View B, and pull outthe drive rod.(7) Refer to figure 4-21, View C, and pull upvertically on the wire rope assembly to seat the anchor.This will rotate the arrowhead into a horizontal positionand provide a rigid anchor.I T E MN S N(8) Refer to figure 4-22 and attach thepolyester rope or the CGU-1B webbing binder to theground anchor and connect it to the aircraft mooringfitting (remove ail slack).(9) Ground anchors will be left in the groundwhen the aircraft is moved.(10) Replacement ground anchors are avail-able.e. Larger Ground Anchor for Extreme SandConditions. In extreme sand conditions, a largerground anchor may be required. An 8-inch groundanchor is available for increased holding power. It usescomponents similar to the 4-inch ground anchor kit, butlarger in size. The 8-inch ground anchor and its drivecomponents are as follows:Ground Anchor4030-00-580-8287(8 inch aluminum)Ground Anchor4030-01-150-4896(8 inch iron)Ground Anchor4030-00-580-8307(8 inch iron)NOTE: All these items are one anchor with wirerope assembled.Rod, Driving4030-00-541-4081(48 inches long)Head, Driving4030-01-008-8053(2 inches outside diameter x2 1/4 inches long)4-19
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