TM 1-1520-240-10
e. FLY-TO DEST thumbwheel Set to desired des-
tination. The computer calculates a course between the
destination and the helicopter position at the time the
destination was selected.
3-3-22. Flight Procedures.
3-3-23. Update of Present Position from Stored Des-
a. FLY-TO DEST thumbwheel Set to destination to
be overflown.
c. KYBD pushbutton Press and release when heli-
copter is over the destination. Display freezes upon re-
lease of the pushbutton.
If a present position update is not desired, as
indicated by an approximately small value of
distance to go on overflying the destination,
set the DISPLAY selector to some other posi-
tion; this aborts the update mode.
d. ENT key Press if update is required.
3-3-24. Update of Present Position from Land-
There are two methods for updating from landmark.
Method 1 is used if the landmark comes up unexpectedly
and the operator needs time to determine the coordina-
tes. Method 2 is used when the landmark update is antici-
a. Method 1.
DISPLAY selector PP.
KYBD pushbutton Press as landmark is
overflown. Present position display will freeze upon re-
lease of pushbutton.
Compare landmark coordinates with those
on display.
If present position update is not desired, as
indicated by a small difference between the
display coordinates and the landmark coordi-
nates, set the DISPLAY selector to some oth-
er position; this aborts the update.
Landmark coordinates - Enter if difference
warrants an update.
ENT key Press if update is required.
b. Method 2.
DEST DISP thumbwheel P. Present posi-
tion coordinates should be displayed.
KYBD pushbutton Press, observe that
display freezes.
If present position update is not desired, as
indicated by a small difference between the
displayed coordinates and the landmark
coordinates, set the DISPLAY selector to
some other position; this aborts the update.
Landmark coordinates Manually enter via
ENT key Press when overflying land-
3-3-25. FLY-TO-DEST Operation.
a. When the FLY-TO-DEST thumbwheel is selected
to a new position, the helicopters present position at the
time is stored in the computer. A course is then computed
from the helicopters present position, as stored, to the
destination selected. If the helicopter deviates from this
course, crosstrack error (XTK) is computed.
b. Range and bearing to destination, current track
made good, and track angel error (TKE) correction are
computed from the helicopters present position to se-
lected destination.
3-3-26. Left-Right Steering Signals.
Flying the shortest distance to the destination from pres-
ent position:
a. FLY-TO-DEST thumbwheel Select desired des-
If the desired destination is already selected
but an updated course is needed, then the
FLY-TO-DEST thumbwheel must be cycled to
another destination and back so the computer
will recalculate the new course.
b. DISPLAY selector XTK/TKE.
c. Fly to keep the left display at L or R 000.0 and the
right display to L or R 000.
3-3-27. Target Store (TGT STR) Operation.
Two methods may be used for target store operation.
Method 1 is normally used when time is not available for
preplaning a target store operation. Method 2 is used
when time is available and it is desired to store a target
in a specific DEST DISP position.
a. Method 1.
TGT STR pushbutton Press when flying
over target.