TM 1-1520-240-10
6-2-1/(6-2-2 blank)
6-2-1. DD Form 365-3 Chart C — Basic Weight and
Balance Record.
Chart C is a continuous history of the basic weight and
moment resulting from structural and equipment
changes in service. At all times, the last weight and mo-
ment/1,000 are considered the current weight and bal-
ance status of the basic helicopter.
6-2-2. DD Form 365-4 (Weight and Balance Clear-
ance Form F).
This form is used to derive the gross weight and center-
of-gravity (C.G.) of the helicopter. The FORM F furnishes
a record of the helicopter weight and balance status at
each step of the loading process. It serves as a work-
sheet on which to record weight and balance calculations
and any corrections that must be made to insure that the
helicopter will be within weight and C.G. limits. Sufficient
completed FORMS F must be onboard the helicopter to
verify that the weight and C.G. will remain within allow-
able limits for the entire flight. Sufficient forms can be one
(for a specific flight) or it can be several. Several FORMS
F for various loadings of crew, passengers, stores, cargo,
fuel slingloads, etc., which result in extreme forward or
extreme aft C.G. locations and variations in gross weight,
but which remain within limits. There are two versions of
this form: Transport and Tactical; they are designed to
provide for the respective loading arrangements of these
two type aircraft. The general use and fulfillment of either
version are the same. Specific instructions for filling out
the form are given in TM 55-1500-342-23.