TM 1-1520-240-105-8-1SECTION VIII. WATER OPERATION LIMITATIONS5-8-1. WATER OPERATION LIMITATIONS.5-8-2. Night Operation on Water.Night operation on water is permissible provided:a.Both AFCS are operational (ALT Hold and Head-ing Select not required for night operation on water).b.Pilot and copilot radar altimeter systems are op-erational.c.A visible horizon is present at the landing site.d.Two or more highly visible, stationary objects areon the water surface to provide necessary visual cues forlanding.5-8-3. Sea State Limits.Operation on water is restricted to a maximum of SeaState 2. Refer to table 5-8-1 for information on seastates.5-8-4. Operation Time Limit.Operation on water is restricted to 30 minutes total flota-tion time without draining the helicopter.5-8-5. Gross Weight Limitations.Maximum gross weight for water operations is as follows:a.Normal operations — 36,000 pounds.b.Emergency rescue missions — 46,000 pounds.5-8-6. Taxiing Limitations.Taxiing will not be conducted in water conditions aboveSea State1 or in wind above 6 knots. Fast taxiing will beconducted in a straight line only and to a maximum speedof 10 knots when the lower nose enclosure is left in thewater.5-8-7. Landing Limitations.Water landings can be performed within the limitationspresented on fig. 5-8-1. The touchdown speeds present-ed do not reflect indicated airspeed but actual forwardvelocity at touchdown. Running landings will only beconducted onto calm water. The ramp, lower rescuedoor, and main cabin door shall be closed during waterlanding. Water landings are prohibited when fuel in themain tanks is less than 50 percent.5-8-8. Rotor Starting and Shutdown Limitations.Rotor starting or shutdown will not be conducted whenwater conditions exceed Sea State 1 or wind exceeds 6knots. maximum gross weight for starting and shutdownis 28,550 pounds.Figure 5-8-1. Water Landing Speed Limitations UpTo 46,000 Pounds gross WeightTable 5-8-1. Description of Sea StatesSEASTATESEA DESCRIPTIONWINDDESCRIPTIONWINDVELOCITY(KNOTS)AVERAGEWAVEHEIGHT(FT)Sea like mirror (calm)CalmLess than 10.00Ripples with appearance of scales; no foam crests(smooth)Light Air1-30.051Small wavelets; crests of glassy appearance, notbreaking (slight)Light Breeze4-60.2
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