TM 1-1520-240-10
5-6-1/(5-6-2 blank)
5-6-1. Aerobatics Prohibition
Aerobatics are prohibited with this helicopter. Aerobatics
is defined as intentional maneuvers beyond + 30_ pitch
and/or 60_ roll.
5-6-2. Bank Limitations
The following bank angle limits apply:
With an operative cruise guide indicator, bank
angles are limited by the cruise guide indicator, but no
greater than 60 degrees. When operating with altitude
hold, limit bank angle limits to 45 degrees maximum.
With an inoperative cruise guide indicator, use
the bank angle limits defined by fig. 5-6-1.
5-6-3. Landing Limitations.
The maximum ground speed for running land-
ings is 60 knots.
The maximum noseup attitude during landings
is 20º.
5-6-4. Ground Operation Limitations.
To prevent droop stop pounding, when all the
landing gears are in contact with the ground and the
thrust is at ground detent flight control movements shall
not exceed the floowong from the neutral position:
Right or left
directional pedal
.75 inches
Aft cyclic
2.00 inches
Lateral cyclic
1.00 inches
No lower than
ground detent
When ground taxiing less than 75 feet from an
obstruction, on an unimproved/unfamiliar airfield not
designated for CH-47D helicopters, a blade watcher and
taxi director shall be positioned as shown in figure 8-2-1.
If the airfield is designated for CH-47D helicopter and taxi
ways are in accordance with UFC 3-260-01, the above
does not apply.
Figure 5-6-1. Bank Angle Limitations