TM 1-1520-240-105-4-1/(5-4-2 blank)SECTION IV. LOADING LIMITS5-4-1. Center -of-Gravity Limitations.See fig 6-7-1 for center-of-gravity (CG) limits in terms ofgross weight (GW) and arm-inches (fuselage stations).5-4-2. Maximum Gross Weight.The maximum allowable operating gross weight is50,000pounds.5-4-3. Cargo Hook Limitations. The limits presentedbelow are structural limitations only.a.The structural limit of the forward and aft hook is17,000pounds each.b.The maximum single load that can be suspendedas a tandem load from the forward and aft hooks is 25, 000 pounds.c.The center cargo hook is limited to a maximumload of 26,000 pounds.d.When combination of internal and external loadsare carried during the same flight and the external loadexceeds 12,000 pounds, position the internal load for-ward of the utility hatch. This procedure will precludeencountering an excessively aft CG.5-4-4. Winch/ Rescue Hoist Limitations.a.The winch shall not exceed:(1)3,000pounds straight line pull.(2)6,000pounds, one pulley.(3)9,000pounds, two pulleys.(4)12,000pounds, three pulleys.b.The rescue hoist is limited to a maximumload of600 pounds. c.Refer to Chapter 4 for system configuration andoperation.
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