TM 1-1520-240-10Change 1 5-7-1SECTION VII. ENVIRONMENTAL RESTRICTIONS5-7-1. Engine Inlet Screen Limitation.Refer to table 5-7-1 for information on engine bypasspanel removal.5-7-2. Flight Under Instrument Meteorological Con-ditions (IMC).This helicopter is qualified for flight instrument metero-logical conditions provided the following conditions exist:NOTEShould one AFCS fail during IMC flight, theflight may be continued to destination.Should both AFCS fail during IMC flight, alanding should be made as soon as practical.a.Both AFCS are operational (ALT Hold and Hea-ding not required for IMC Flight).b.Two vertical gyros and two vertical gyro indica-tors (VGI) are installed and operative.5-7-3. Flight in Ice.NOTEDuring flight in icing conditions with the EAPSinstalled, the bypass doors must remainclosed.Pitot tube and Advanced Flight Control Systems (AFCS)yaw port heating, and windshield anti-icing systems en-able safe flight in light-icing conditions. The EAPS isdesigned to permit safe flight in light-icing conditions.Continuous flight in light-icing conditions below 5_C isnot recommended since blade damage can occur fromasymmetric ice shedding. Intentional flight into knownicing conditions with rotor blade erosion protection mate-rials installed is prohibited. Icing conditions include“trace,” “light,” “moderate,” and “heavy.”5-7-4. Thunderstorm Operation.To ensure adequate lightning strike protection, the light-ning protection cables and straps must be installed andintact on all rotor blades. If any lightning cables or strapsare missing or broken, avoid flight in or near thunder-storms, especially in areas of observed or anticipatedlightning discharges.
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