TM 1-1520-240-107-2-1SECTION II. EMERGENCY TORQUE AVAILABLE7-2-1. Emergency Torque Available.Single engine emergency torque available may be ob-tained from figure 7-2-1. Available torque is presentedin terms of PA and FAT.7-2-2. Use of Chart.The primary use of the chart is to determine availableengine torque for various combinations of PA and tem-perature. To determine torque available, it is necessaryto know PA, and FAT. Enter the left side of the chart atknown temperature, move right to known pressure alti-tude, then down to read torque available.7-2-3. Conditions.The chart is based on a rotor speed of 100%.7-2-4. EAPS Installed.Reduce the derived torque available by 2.0% howevernot at transmission torque limit.
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