TM 1-1520-240-10
2. ENG COND lever (affected engine)
Adjust to a position between FLT and GND
that will control RRPM.
3. ENGINE BEEP TRIM switch NO. 1 & 2
Adjust as required.
4. Land as soon as practicable.
Normal Engine Beep Trim System
Failure (Low Side or Static).
Failure of the normal engine beep trim system to the low
side can be recognized by decreasing torque on the af-
fected engine, increasing torque on the unaffected en-
gine, a lossof RRPM, a lack of response to ENGINE
BEEP TRIM and N1 satbilized at or above ground idle (60
to 63% N1). These indications also accompany an en-
gine failure: therefore, engine instruments must be moni-
tored to determine which event has occurred. A static
failure may be recognized by failure of one or both en-
gines to respond to beep commands or may resemble a
high or low side failure when the thrust control is lowered
or raised.
If the thrust control is moved with either EMERG ENG
TRIM AUTO/MANUAL switch in MANUAL, it is neces-
sary to control RRPM and torque by use of the appropri-
ate EMERG ENG TRIM INC or DECR switch. Perform
the following:
1. EMERG ENG TRIM switch (affected en-
gine) Adjust as required.
switch (affected engine) MANUAL.
3. EMERG ENG TRIM switch (affected en-
gine) Adjust in coordination with the EN-
GINE BEEP TRIM NO. 1 &2 switch to nor-
mal operating RRPM and match torque.
In some cases a failure may occur without illuminating
the FADEC, REV, and/or ENG FAIL light(s) and the only
indication of a failure will be from engine indications. In
these cases the pilot must excersise prudent judgement
and perform actions as required. Those actions may in-
clude increasing the thrust for a runaway engine, manual
ECL control, manually selecting FADEC control panel
switches, or engine shutdown for a fail fixed position.
FADEC 1 or FADEC 2 Caution.
1. FADEC INC-DEC beep switches (af-
fected engine) Adjust as required.
2. Reduce rate of Thrust CONT lever
FADEC 1 and FADEC 2 Cautions.
1. FADEC ENG 1 and ENG 2 INC-DEC beep
switches Beep to 100 percent, match
2. Reduce rate of THRUST CONT lever
3. Land as soon as practicable.
9-1-20. Engine Fluctuations without FADEC 1/2
The FADEC system may fail without illuminating the FA-
DEC 1/2 light. this will be indicated by power fluctuations
(TQ, N1, Fuel Flow, Rotor RPM, and PTIT indications)
with a set thrust position. Proceed as follows:
Load share switch Select PTIT.
If engine power flucations are not correct.
1. Load share switch TQ.
2. No. 1 engine FADEC switch REV.
If engine power flucations are not correct.
3. No. 1 engine FADEC switch PRI.
4. No. 2 engine FADEC switch REV.
If engine power flucations are not correct.
Land as soon as practicable.
9-1-21. 714A Reversionary System Failures.
The aircrew should be alert to the possibil-
ity of abrupt NR changes when opening
the FADEC in single or dual engine REV
When operating in the reversionary mode and the rever-
sionary mode sustains a hard fault, REV 1 or REV 2
caution illuminates, a failed fixed fuel flow condition may
exist, The ENG COND lever will be inoperative, therefore
unable to modulate engine N1. The indications may be
a change in sound, vibration absorbers may detune
causing vibration and a possible increase in NR when the
THRUST CONT lever is reduced.
The Reversioanry may also fail without illuminating the
REV light. In this case, the Reversionary beep switces
may become inoperative but the ENG COND lever may
be operative.
Two different reactions can occur depending if the engine
with the failed FADEC went into fixed fuel flow at a high
fuel flow or a low fuel flow.
In a high fuel flow situation, the FADEC on the non mal-
functioning engine may cause the non malfunctioning
engine to drop off line in an effort to maintain 100 percent
NR (since the failed engine has a high fixed fuel flow).