TM 1-1520-240-BDc.EmergencyRepairTechniques. Emergencyrepairs allows a downed aircraft to make a one-timeflight of up to one hour duration to an AVIM or AVUMarea. This paragraph describes emergency repairtechniques for unshielded, primary wires, damagedinsulation, and wire bundle forming. These repair are byno means exhaustive. Innovative repairs may bedeveloped 'on-site" to recover the downed aircraft. Priorto performing any of the listed repairs, the maintenancetechnician must be knowledgeable in use of the repairtools and materials.NOTETemporary and emergency repairsestablished in this manual will onlybe applied in time of war. Thecommander or his designatedrepresentatives may authorizedeviations necessary to accomplishwartime requirements. Permanentrepairs may be used at any time.(1)Unshielded Primary Wire Splice.Unshielded primary wire splice repairs are performedwith the splices of wire repair segments contained withinthe repair kit. The procedures are identical as thosedescribed in paragraph 9-9a(1), except the place sealingsleeve, heatshrink operation is deferred until the returnof the aircraft to the AVIM or AVUM area. In lieu of theheat-shrink operation, the splice-seal sleeve is held inplace with a short piece of Teflon tape. The Teflon tapeis applied to the small end of the sealing sleeve aftercentering the sleeve over the crimp barrel as shown inFigure 9-36.NOTEThe repair may be upgraded fromemergency to permanent status uponreturn of the aircraft to a AVIM/AVUMarea, removing the Teflon tape, andperforming the heat-shrink operationper paragraph 9-9a(1).(2)InsulationRepair. Emergency repair todamaged wire insulation may be accomplished bywrapping the damaged insulation with four layers ofTeflon tape. Extend the tape wrap one inch from eachend of the damaged area over undamaged insulation. Ifover 25% of the wire conductors are severed, and timepermits, an emergency splice should be performed.(3)Wire-BundleForming. Often, wire bundletie tape and/or self-clinching cable straps will either befound to be damaged or will require removal prior toperforming emergency repairs. The repair kit containsreplacement self-clinching cable straps.9-30
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