TM 1-1520-240-BDItem B29 Coax Splice for RG-59B/U and G-71 B/UFigure 9-32. Item B29 Coax Splice(2)Split-BoltSpliceConnectors(LargeWireAWG). The wire repair kit contains split-bolt spliceconnectors for use on temporary splice repairs of largegage (number 10, 8,6, and 4) AWG primary power wiresand cables. Figure 9-33 illustrates repair techniques.NOTEThe item number on' each illustrationindicates the location of the repairmaterial storage container and/orrequired tools within the wiringrepair kit portion of the repair set.(3)Bridgingor By-pass of Connectors.JunctionBoxes,andTerminalStrips. In most cases, itwill be quicker not to replace bulkhead connectors,junction boxes or terminal strips. These circuits can berepaired by bridging or by-passing the damaged areawith jumper wires spliced in to eliminate the damagedarea or component (Figure 9-34).(4)InsulationRepair. The wire repair kitcontains heat-shrinkable tape to repair wiring where theouter insulation has been damaged but the wireconductor are intact. if the inner conductors aredamaged, a permanent splice repair must be performedper paragraphs 9-9a(1) and 9-9a(2). Figure 9-35illustrates techniques for using this tape when makingrepairs to damaged insulation.NOTEThe item number on each illustrationindicates the location of the repairmaterial storage container and/orrequired tools within the wiringrepair kit portion of the repair set.9-27
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