TM 1-1520-240-BDb.TemporaryRepairTechniques. Repairperformed under the guidelines of this paragraph maybe used for a period of 140 flight hours. At this time ofthe temporary repair is to be inspected and a decisionmade to either extend the use of the temporary repair ormake a permanent repair. This paragraph describestemporary repair techniques for co-axial cable and largewire-side splices, connection or junction boxes, terminalboard bridging, and insulation repair with heat-shrinkable tape. Prior to performing any of the listedrepairs, the repair technician must be knowledgeable inthe basic repair procedures and proficient in the use ofthe wiring repair tools and materials.(1)Co-AxialCableSplice. The wire repairkit contains materials for making environmentallyprotected splices on aircraft co-axial cables. As thesesplices are a new item, and not fully qualified at thistime, splices performed with these materials must becategorized as temporary, even though performanceloss of a co-axial cable system using these splices inminimal. Figures 9-27 through 9-32 illustrate the basicprocedure to splice co-axial cables of the types noted.These instructions are the same as the repair materialstorage container. One co-axial cable splice isallowable for every eight feet of co-axial cable length.Additional splices per cable may be authorized by themaintenance authority as local conditions warrant.NOTEThe item number on eachillustration indicates the locationof the repair material storagecontainer and/or required toolswithin the wiring repair kit portionof the repair set.After completing a co-axial splice,obtain a chart record of the co-axial cable signature for inclusionin the aircraft records. This chartrecord is to be obtained using theTDR. Annotate the chart recordwith aircraft serial number, date,cable number, vertical andhorizontal TDR attentions, andany other data of interest. Thischart record is to be used to verifythe integrity of the repair andprovide a baseline for futurecomparison in the event of systemdegradation.Item B24 Coax Splice for RG-136/U and RG179B/UFigure 9-27. Item B24 Coax Spike9-24
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