TM 1-1520-240-BD(7)WireBundleForming.TieTape.andCableStraps. The repair set provides for the forming ofwire bundles through the use of tie-tape and/or self-clinching cable straps per MS3361-1-0. The materialand necessary tools are located within the wire repairkit. Figure 9-25 illustrates the procedures andprecautions to observe when using the nylon tie-tape.Figure 9-26 illustrates the procedures and precautions toobserve when using the MS3361 -1-0 self-clinchingcable straps.NOTEThe item number of each illustrationindicates the location of the repairmaterial storage container and/orrequired tools within the wiringrepair kit portion of the repair set.Figure 9-24. Replacement of Damaged ConnectorsItem A-35 Tie Tape - General Procedures and Precautionsa.Tie bundles tightly enough to prevent slipping, but not so tightly that the tape cuts into or deformsthe insulation. Be especially carefully when tying coaxial cable, which has a soft dielectric insulation between the innerand outer conductors.b.Do not use ties on that part of a wire group or bundle located inside a conduit.c.When tying wire bundles behind connectors, start ties far enough back from the connector to avoid splaying ofcontacts.d.Tie all wire groups or bundles where supports are more than 12 inches apart. Space ties 12 inches or less.NOTEOn Combat and Rapid Deployment Force aircraft, ties are usually spaced at greater intervalscheck with maintenance officer.e.Harness branches can be secured by tying.f.Use knot shown in figure.Figure 9-25. Item A35 Tie Tape9-22
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