TM 1-1520-240-MTF4-3A. AFCS BITE CHECKS.Reference:TM 55-1520-240-23This test should only be performed to verify a sus-pected AFCS discrepancy. The bite test is per-formed by pressing the BITE switch on the AFCScomputer. The bite associated with system No. 1tests system No. 1 only and system No. 2 testsystem No. 2 only. The engine condition leversprovide a bite interlock which prevents inadvertentbite operation during flight. The bite test can beinterrupted during operation by moving the enginecondition level out of the STOP position and backagain, or by switching the AFCS to OFF.1-26.1. Prior to activating the bite test, perform thefollowing:a. Start apu and apply electrical and hydraulicpower.b. Close all circuit breakers.c. AFCS SYSTEM SEL — NO. 1 or NO. 2 (donot select BOTH).d. CYCLIC TRIM — AUTO.e. Cyclic stick and directional pedals —Center.f. STEERING CONTROL panel — Knobcentered.g. SWIVEL switch — LOCK.h. Radar altimeter — Set LO knob to 100 feet.i. Heading bug to heading of helicopter, then30_ clockwise.j. ENG CONDITION levers — STOP.k. Ensure left and right aft landing gear is inground contact. (Not on jacks.)
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