TM 1-1520-240-MTF
The bite check results in flight control mo-
tions. Keep hands and body clear of moving
controls. Severe injury can occur.
2. Press and release the bite switch on the AFCS
computer for the system to be tested. A light in
the push button switch will flash to show that the
test is in progress. The digital-display will
indicate the test number of the current circuit
under test. Should a failure be present, the
flashing light will turn to a steady glow 20
seconds after the failure is detected. Bite test
numbers 0, 1, 2, and 3 are bite tests allocated to
the self checking of the interrogation circuits.
When bite is initiated, it will run quickly thru these
first tests and after approximately 20 seconds,
the flashing light will become steady with 3
shown in the digital-display. Press and release
the bite switch again to allow the test to proceed.
3. If a failure occurs, record the number on the
digital-display and press the bite switch to
proceed with the test. When the test is
completed, the bite will shut down. Refer to TM
maintenance actions for the failures detected.
There are programmed failures at bite test
numbers 6 and 18 of system No. 1. Results of
bite test numbers 7 and 47 shall disregarded.
4. BITE numerical test numbers correspond to the
malfunction as follows: