TM 1-1520-240-MTF
k. Fly shortest distance to first destination from
present position, set DISPLAY switch to
helicopter to bearing displayed. As an aid to
maintaining course, set DISPLAY switch to
XTK/TKE position and steer helicopter to
keep track angle error (TKE) nominally zero.
If display indicates a L (left) TKE, the aircraft
must be flown to the left to zero the error.
l. At first destination set DISPLAY switch to
PP and KYBD key is depressed and
released note the position altitude and
magnetic variation.
m. Fly to the remaining destination using the
procedures described in (K) and (L) above.
n. Return to ground station.
14. DGNS Flight Test Data Analysis.
Compare all MARK positions with the actual positions
of the corresponding Check Point. Compare differences,
if any, with Allowable Navigation Error Limits outlines in TM
11-5841-305-12. If errors exceed the Allowable Navigation
Error Limits, use the self-test of the GPS system and fault
isolation procedures to determine the failure mode.
Zeroize at termination of test flight or so dic-
tated by operations.
Aircraft power must be connected, or power
applied to aircraft.
a. Lift zeroize switch guard and toggle switch.
b. Release toggle switch and close switch