TM 55-1520-240-PMSECTION I. GENERAL INFORMATION1-1. PHASED SCHEDULE.This phased maintenance inspection checklist contains requirements forinspection of the CH-47D helicopter on a phase schedule having 800-hour(flight hour) cycle with 200-hour phases. Each requirement included hereinis designated for accomplishment at least once, but not more than four timesduring the 800-hour cycle.1-2. EXCEEDING THE PHASED SCHEDULE.a.The phased maintenance inspection intervals designated are themaximum and shall not be exceeded except in actual operational emergenciesas explained herein. It is the Commander’s responsibility to determine, on anindividual helicopter basis, when inspection intervals may be exceeded. Forthis purpose, operational emergencies are conditions of combat or conditionsof disaster which necessitate flight to evacuate aircraft or personnel. Thoseinspections annotated with a "C" in the Inspect Phase No’s column, alongwith all applicable aircraft forms as addressed in DA PAM 738-751 itemsthat are due, are considered the MINIMUM mandatory combat maintenanceinspection requirements for helicopters scheduled for imminent deploymentto, or stationed in, a combat environment. Under no circumstances will twocombat maintenance inspections be performed sequentially.b.When the aircraft is operated beyond the normal inspection duetime because of such emergency situations, a circled red X status symboland an appropriate statement, to include authority, must be entered on appli-cable aircraft forms as addressed in DA PAM 738-751, until such time as theinspection is complete. When inspections are delayed to meet emergencyrequirements, Commander will assure that the helicopter status symbol ischanged to a red X and that the delayed inspections are accomplished imme-diately upon termination of the actual emergency.c.When unusual local conditions of environment, utilization, mission,experience of flight crew and maintenance personnel, periods of inactivity, etc.are encountered, the Maintenance Officer will, at his discretion, increase thescope and/or frequency of maintenance or inspection as necessary to insuresafe flight. Refer to TM 1-1500-328-23.1-3. MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES.The inspections prescribed by this checklist will be accomplished at specifiedphases by Aviation Unit Maintenance (AVUM) activities with assistance ofAviation Intermediate Maintenance (AVIM) and Depot Maintenance activitieswhen required. Space is provided for inspecting personnel to record faultsand/or remarks and corrective action taken.1-4. LIMITATIONS.The checklist does not contain instructions for repair, adjustment, or othermeans of rectifying conditions. Neither does it contain special tolerances,limits, or instructions for special troubleshooting to find causes of malfunctions.Such data will be obtained from the TM 55-1520-240-23, Maintenance Manual,and TM 55-1520-240-T, Troubleshooting Manual.1-1
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