TM 55-1520-240-PM1-5. PRE-INSPECTION MAINTENANCE TEST FLIGHT (MTF).A pre-inspection MTF to duplicate non-hazardous equipment problems, todetermine unsatisfactory conditions and equipment operation problems, etc.,is recommended prior to start of aircraft disassembly for Phased Maintenanceinspection; the decision to perform the pre-inspection MTF, however, shall bethe responsibility of the unit Maintenance Officer.1-6. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS, CALENDAR INSPECTIONS, AND LUBRI-CATION REQUIREMENTS.Special inspections, calendar inspections, and lubrication requirementscontained in TM 55-1520-240-23-1 and those listed on the applicable aircraftforms as addressed in DA PAM 738-751 shall be reviewed and accomplishedin accordance with the "inspection due" requirements specified in thosedocuments.1-7. TIME BETWEEN OVERHAUL (TBO) AND RETIREMENT LIFE ITEMSCHECK.Prior to start of the applicable phased maintenance inspection, a check willbe made of components and their remaining operating hours prior to removal.Refer to the latest issue of TM 55-1520-240-23-1 and all applicable aircraftforms as addressed in DA PAM 738-751 for a complete listing of componentsand their TBO and retirement life.1-8. USING THE PHASED MAINTENANCE INSPECTIONS CHECKLIST.For use of the checklist, refer to DA PAM 738-751 and Figure 1-1.1-9. FINAL RECORD CHECK.After all corrective actions have been completed and following completion ofthe phased inspection, the Technical Inspector shall verify that all applicableforms and records have been properly updated. All uncorrected faults shallbe entered on applicable aircraft forms as addressed in DA PAM 738-751.A Final Records Checklist (Figure 1-2) is provided to ensure that forms andrecords have been inspected for completeness and accuracy prior to releaseof the aircraft from the phased maintenance inspection. Upon completion, theinspector verifying the final record check, shall enter his initials adjacent to theindicated form or record on the Final Record Checklist.1-10. SIGNATURE SHEET.All personnel performing inspection and/or maintenance tasks shall placetheir signatures and initials on the Signature Sheet (Figure 1-3). The purposeof the signature sheet is to provide a correlation between the initials enteredon the individual checklist sheets and the actual names of the personnelaccomplishing these tasks.1-2
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